Robin Herlands Cresiski
Robin Herlands Cresiski
Asst. Vice Provost for Graduate Student Development & Postdoctoral Affairs; Affiliate Professor of
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Cited by
T cell-independent and toll-like receptor-dependent antigen-driven activation of autoreactive B cells
RA Herlands, SR Christensen, RA Sweet, U Hershberg, MJ Shlomchik
Immunity 29 (2), 249-260, 2008
Regulation of intracellular pH in human melanoma: potential therapeutic implications
ML Wahl, JA Owen, R Burd, RA Herlands, SS Nogami, U Rodeck, D Berd, ...
Molecular cancer therapeutics 1 (8), 617-628, 2002
Anti‐chromatin antibodies drive in vivo antigen‐specific activation and somatic hypermutation of rheumatoid factor B cells at extrafollicular sites
RA Herlands, J William, U Hershberg, MJ Shlomchik
European journal of immunology 37 (12), 3339-3351, 2007
A new effort to diversify faculty: Postdoc-to-tenure track conversion models
D Culpepper, AM Reed, B Enekwe, W Carter-Veale, WR LaCourse, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 733995, 2021
Unlocking Undergraduate Student Success: A Study of High-Impact Practices in a Comprehensive and Diverse College
Q Shi, R Cresiski, S Thanki, L Navarrete
Journal of Postsecondary Student Success 2 (4), 83-107, 2023
Developing a state university system model to diversify faculty in the biomedical sciences
RH Cresiski, CA Ghent, JC Rutledge, WY Carter-Veale, J Aumiller, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 734145, 2022
Undergraduate bioinformatics workshops provide perceived skills
RH Cresiski
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 15 (2), 292-294, 2014
A case study of professional boundary issues experienced by undergraduate psychology students in a supervised field experience course
G Sharp, R Yao, R Cresiski, K Hahn
Psychology Learning & Teaching 12 (3), 266-274, 2013
Undergraduate research at a teaching-oriented college: Seniors’ perspectives and approaches to consider
RH Cresiski, Q Shi, S Thanki, L Navarrete
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 21 (1), 2021
Using Zebrafish in a Developmental Biology Lab Course to Explore Interactions Between Development and the Environment
RH Cresiski, JR Lenkowski
Two Virtual Labs to Study Genetic Inheritance in the Fruit Fly
RH Cresiski
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 14 (1), 141-142, 2013
Do autoreactive memory B cells form as a consequence of extrafollicular activation?(130.18)
R Sweet, R Herlands, M Shlomchik
The Journal of Immunology 178 (1_Supplement), S231-S231, 2007
Assessing departmental readiness to support minoritized faculty
WY Carter‐Veale, RH Cresiski, G Sharp, JD Lankford, F Ugarte
New Directions for Higher Education 2024 (205), 47-57, 2024
Intentional Mentoring Networks for Minoritized Postdocs within a University System
JG Aumiller, BO Enekwe, WY Carter-Veale, RH Cresiski
The Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching 7 (16), 2023
Leveraging an EAST-WEST partnership to broaden participation of Faculty from Traditionally Marginalized Groups
JR Gurganus, R Cresiski, RG Tull, JC Rutledge
2021 World Engineering Education Forum/Global Engineering Deans Council …, 2021
Toll-Like Receptor and Autoimmunity.
M Shlomchik, K Nickerson, R Sweet, S Christensen, R Herlands
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 114 (22), SCI-24-SCI-24, 2009
Differential localization of IcsA and IcsP in the outer membrane of Shigella flexneri
R Herlands, H Wing
How B cells promote and regulate autoimmune disease
R Herlands, S Christensen, A Ahuja, M Shlomchik
IMMUNOLOGY 125, 18-18, 2008
Toll like receptors (TLRs) control autoantibody specificities and regulate systemic autoimmunity
MJ Shlomchik, K Nickerson, J Shupe, RA Flavell, R Herlands, ...
IMMUNOLOGY 120, 40-40, 2007
The complex roles of T cells and Toll-like receptors in the activation of autoreactive B cells in the AM14 rheumatoid factor model of systemic lupus erythematosus
RA Herlands
Yale University, 2007
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Articles 1–20