Preben Hansen
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Cited by
Conceptual framework for tasks in information studies
K Byström, P Hansen
Journal of the American Society for Information science and Technology 56 …, 2005
Collaborative information retrieval in an information-intensive domain
P Hansen, K Järvelin
Information Processing & Management 41 (5), 1101-1119, 2005
Evaluation of digital libraries
N Fuhr, G Tsakonas, T Aalberg, M Agosti, P Hansen, S Kapidakis, ...
International journal on digital libraries 8, 21-38, 2007
Information sharing
S Talja, P Hansen
New directions in human information behavior, 113-134, 2006
Towards searching as a learning process: A review of current perspectives and future directions
SY Rieh, K Collins-Thompson, P Hansen, HJ Lee
Journal of Information Science 42 (1), 19-34, 2016
Digital libraries: A generic classification and evaluation scheme
N Fuhr, P Hansen, M Mabe, A Micsik, I Sølvberg
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 5th European …, 2001
Collaborative information seeking
P Shah, Chirag, Capra, Rob and Hansen
Exploring user experience of learning management system
I Maslov, S Nikou, P Hansen
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 38 (4), 344-363, 2021
Observing users, designing clarity: A case study on the user‐centered design of a cross‐language information retrieval system
D Petrelli, M Beaulieu, M Sanderson, G Demetriou, P Herring, P Hansen
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 55 …, 2004
Measuring learner satisfaction with formative e-assessment strategies.
B Bahati, U Fors, P Hansen, J Nouri, E Mukama
Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. 14 (7), 61-79, 2019
Interaction strategies for an affective conversational agent
C Smith, N Crook, D Charlton, J Boye, RS De La Camara, M Turunen, ...
Presence 20 (5), 395-411, 2011
A framework of artificial intelligence augmented design support
J Liao, P Hansen, C Chai
Human–Computer Interaction 35 (5-6), 511-544, 2020
Work tasks as units for analysis in information seeking and retrieval studies
K Byström, P Hansen
Emerging Frameworks and Methods: Fourth International Conference on …, 2002
Managing collaborative information sharing: bridging research on information culture and collaborative information behaviour
G Widén, P Hansen
Professor TD Wilson, 2012
Factors that affect asker's pay intention in trilateral payment‐based social Q&A platforms: From a benefit and cost perspective
Y Zhao, X Peng, Z Liu, S Song, P Hansen
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 71 (5 …, 2020
Search as learning (dagstuhl seminar 17092)
K Collins-Thompson, P Hansen, C Hauff
Schloss-Dagstuhl-Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik, 2017
Multimodal and mobile conversational health and fitness companions
M Turunen, J Hakulinen, O Ståhl, B Gambäck, P Hansen, MCR Gancedo, ...
Computer Speech & Language 25 (2), 192-209, 2011
AnimSkin: fabricating epidermis with interactive, functional and aesthetic color animation
Y Wang, S Luo, Y Lu, H Gong, Y Zhou, S Liu, P Hansen
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 397-401, 2017
Exploring askers’ switching from free to paid social Q&A services: A perspective on the push-pull-mooring framework
Z Liu, YC Zhao, S Chen, S Song, P Hansen, Q Zhu
Information Processing & Management 58 (1), 2021
User Interface Design for IR Interaction: A Task-Oriented Approach.
P Hansen
CoLIS 3, 191-205, 1999
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Articles 1–20