Pete Hatemi
Cited by
Cited by
Political attitudes vary with physiological traits
DR Oxley, KB Smith, JR Alford, MV Hibbing, JL Miller, M Scalora, ...
Science 321 (5896), 1667-1670, 2008
Correlation not Causation: The Relationship between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies
B Verhulst, LJ Eaves, PK Hatemi
American Journal of Political Science 56 (1), 34–51, 2012
The politics of mate choice
JR Alford, PK Hatemi, JR Hibbing, NG Martin, LJ Eaves
The Journal of Politics 73 (2), 362-379, 2011
Genetic and Environmental Transmission of Political Attitudes over a Life Time
PK Hatemi, CL Funk, SE Medland, HM Maes, JL Silberg, NG Martin, ...
Journal of Politics 71 (3), 1141-56, 2009
Not by twins alone: Using the extended family design to investigate genetic influence on political beliefs
PK Hatemi, JR Hibbing, SE Medland, MC Keller, JR Alford, KB Smith, ...
American Journal of Political Science 54 (3), 798-814, 2010
A genome-wide analysis of liberal and conservative political attitudes
PK Hatemi, NA Gillespie, LJ Eaves, BS Maher, BT Webb, AC Heath, ...
Journal of Politics 73 (1), 271-285, 2011
The genetics of politics: discovery, challenges, and progress
PK Hatemi, R McDermott
Trends in Genetics 28 (10), 525-533, 2012
Is there a “party” in your genes?
PK Hatemi, JR Alford, JR Hibbing, NG Martin, LJ Eaves
Political Research Quarterly 62 (3), 584-600, 2009
Ideology Justifies Morality: Political Beliefs Predict Moral Foundations
PK Hatemi, C Crabtree, K Smith
American Journal of Political Science 63 (4), 788-806, 2019
The genetics of voting: An Australian twin study
PK Hatemi, SE Medland, KI Morley, AC Heath, NG Martin
Behavior Genetics 37 (3), 435-448, 2007
Intuitive Ethics and Political Orientations: Testing Moral Foundations As A Theory Of Political Ideology
K Smith, J Alford, J Hibbing, N Martin, PK Hatemi
American Journal of Political Science 61 (2), 424–437, 2017
Genetic Influences on Political Ideologies: Twin Analyses of 19 Measures of Political Ideologies from Five Democracies and Genome-Wide Findings from Three Populations
P K. Hatemi, R Klemmensen, S E. Medland, S Oskarsson, L Littvay, ...
Behavior Genetics 44 (3), 282-94, 2014
A genetic basis for social trust?
P Sturgis, S Read, PK Hatemi, G Zhu, T Trull, MJ Wright, NG Martin
Political Behavior 32 (2), 205-230, 2010
Genome-wide meta-analysis of cognitive empathy: heritability, and correlates with sex, neuropsychiatric conditions and cognition
V Warrier, K Grasby, F Uzefovsky, R Toro, P Smith, B Chakrabarti, ...
Molecular Psychiatry 23 (doi:10.1038/mp.2017.122), 1402–1409, 2018
Political science, biometric theory, and twin studies: A methodological introduction
SE Medland, PK Hatemi
Political Analysis 17 (2), 191-214, 2009
Man is by Nature a Political Animal: Evolution, Biology, and Politics
PK Hatemi, R McDermott
University Of Chicago Press, 2011
Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State: A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Preferences
PK Hatemi, R McDermott, L Eaves, K Kendler, M Neale
American Journal of Political Science 57 (2), 279–293, 2013
Modeling extended twin family data I: description of the Cascade model
MC Keller, SE Medland, LE Duncan, PK Hatemi, MC Neale, HHM Maes, ...
Twin Research and Human Genetics 12 (1), 8-18, 2009
The Dating Preferences of Liberals and Conservatives
CA Klofstad, R McDermott, PK Hatemi
Political Behavior 35 (3), 519-538, 2013
The nature of the relationship between personality traits and political attitudes
B Verhulst, PK Hatemi, NG Martin
Personality and Individual Differences 49 (4), 306-316, 2010
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Articles 1–20