TRỊNH Đình Hoàn
TRỊNH Đình Hoàn
Viettel AI, VNU-Avitech
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Cited by
Novel Example-based Method for Super-Resolution and Denoising of Medical Images
DH Trinh, M Luong, F Dibos, J Rocchisani, C Pham, TQ Nguyen
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (4), 1882 - 1895, 2014
Assessing deep learning methods for the identification of kidney stones in endoscopic images
F Lopez, A Varelo, O Hinojosa, M Mendez, DH Trinh, Y ElBeze, J Hubert, ...
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021
Towards an Automated Classification Method for Ureteroscopic Kidney Stone Images Using Ensemble Learning
A Martinez, DH Trinh, J El Beze, J Hubert, P Eschwege, V Estrade, ...
The 42nd Annual Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology …, 2020
An optimal weight method for CT image denoising
DH Trinh, M Luong, JM Rocchisani, CD Pham, HD Pham, F Dibos
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology 10 (2), 124-129, 2012
Optical Flow-based Structure-from-Motion for the Reconstruction of Epithelial Surfaces
TB Phan, DH Trinh, D Wolf, C Daul
Pattern Recognition 105, 107391, 2020
Low-dose CT image denoising using deep convolutional neural networks with extended receptive fields
NT Trung, DH Trinh, NL Trung, M Luong
Signal, Image and Video Processing 16 (7), 1963-1971, 2022
Sensor classification for the fault detection and isolation, a structural approach
C Commault, JM Dion, DH Trinh, TH Do
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 25 (1), 1-17, 2011
On the in vivo recognition of kidney stones using machine learning
G Ochoa-Ruiz, V Estrade, F Lopez, D Flores-Araiza, JE Beze, DH Trinh, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.08865, 2022
On Illumination-Invariant Variational Optical Flow for Weakly Textured Scenes
DH Trinh, C Daul
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 179, 1-18, 2019
Medical Image Denoising using Kernel Ridge Regression
DH Trinh, M Luong, J Rocchisani, CD Pham, F Dibos
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP 2011), 1597-1600, 2011
Dilated residual convolutional neural networks for low-dose CT image denoising
NT Trung, DH Trinh, NL Trung, TTT Quynh, MH Luu
2020 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 189-192, 2020
Dense Optical Flow for the Reconstruction of Weakly Textured and Structured Surfaces: Application to Endoscope
TB Phan, DH Trinh, D Lamarque, W Didier, C Daul
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP 2019), 310-314, 2019
A General Form of Illumination-Invariant Descriptors in Variational Optical Flow Estimation
DH Trinh, W Blondel, C Daul
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP 2017), 2533 - 2537, 2017
An Effective Example-Based Learning Method for Denoising of Medical Images Corrupted by Heavy Gaussian noise and Poisson Noise
DH Trinh, M Luong, JM Rocchisani, F Dibos, CD Pham, N Linh-Trung, ...
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP 2014), 823 - 827, 2014
Mosaicing of images with few textures and strong illumination changes: Application to gastroscopic scenes
DH Trinh, C Daul, W Blondel, D Lamarque
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP 2018), 1263-1267, 2018
An efficient example-based method for CT image denoising based on frequency decomposition and sparse representation
TT Nguyen, DH Trinh, N Linh-Trung
IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC 2016), 293-296, 2016
Optical biopsy mapping on endoscopic image mosaics with a marker-free probe
O Zenteno, DH Trinh, S Treuillet, Y Lucas, T Bazin, D Lamarque, C Daul
Computers in Biology and Medicine 143, 105234, 2022
An Effective Example-based Denoising Method for CT Images using Markov Random Field
DH Trinh, TT Nguyen, N Linh-Trung
IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC 2014), 355 …, 2014
Low-dose CT Image Denoising using Image Decomposition and Sparse Representation
NT Trung, TD Hoan, NL Trung, M Luong
REV Journal on Electronics and Communications 9, 78-88, 2019
An Optimal Weight Model for Single Image Super-Resolution.
DH Trinh, M Luong, JM Rocchisani, CD Pham, F Dibos, HD Pham
Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2012), 1-8, 2012
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Articles 1–20