Ko Kuwabara
Ko Kuwabara
university of kentucky
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Reputation systems
P Resnick, K Kuwabara, R Zeckhauser, E Friedman
Communications of the ACM 43 (12), 45-48, 2000
The false enforcement of unpopular norms
R Willer, K Kuwabara, MW Macy
American Journal of Sociology 115 (2), 451-490, 2009
Linux: A bazaar at the edge of chaos
K Kuwabara
First Monday, 2000
Lay theories of networking: How laypeople's beliefs about networks affect their attitudes and engagement toward instrumental networking
K Kuwabara, C Hildebrand, X Zou
Academy of Management Review, 2018
Cohesion, cooperation, and the value of doing things together: How economic exchange creates relational bonds
K Kuwabara
American Sociological Review 76 (4), 560-580, 2011
Culture, identity, and structure in social exchange: A web-based trust experiment in the United States and Japan
K Kuwabara, R Willer, MW Macy, R Mashima, S Terai, T Yamagishi
Social Psychology Quarterly 70 (4), 461-479, 2007
Do reputation systems undermine trust? Divergent effects of enforcement type on generalized trust and trustworthiness
K Kuwabara
American Journal of Sociology 120 (5), 1390-1428, 2015
Multiplex exchange relations
K Kuwabara, J Luo, O Sheldon
Advances in group processes 27, 239-268, 2010
Nothing to fear but fear itself: Fear of fear, fear of greed and gender effects in two-person asymmetric social dilemmas
K Kuwabara
Social Forces 84 (2), 1257-1272, 2005
Status decreases dominance in the West but increases dominance in the East
K Kuwabara, S Yu, AJ Lee, AD Galinsky
Psychological Science 27 (2), 127-137, 2016
Reputation systems
P Resnickand, R Zeckhauserand, E Friedman, K Kuwabara
Communications of the ACM 43 (12), 45-48, 2000
When beauty doesn't pay: Gender and beauty biases in a peer-to-peer loan market
K Kuwabara, S Thébaud
Social Forces 95 (4), 1371-1398, 2017
Trust, cohesion, and cooperation after early versus late trust violations in two-person exchange: The role of generalized trust in the United States and Japan
K Kuwabara, S Vogt, M Watabe, A Komiya
Social Psychology Quarterly 77 (4), 344-360, 2014
Temporal dynamics of social exchange and the development of solidarity:“testing the waters” versus “taking a leap of faith”
K Kuwabara, O Sheldon
Social Forces 91 (1), 253-273, 2012
Lay theories of networking ability: Beliefs that inhibit instrumental networking
K Kuwabara, X Zou, B Aven, C Hildebrand, S Iyengar
Social Networks 62, 1-11, 2020
Lay theories of instrumental relations: Explaining individual differences in dispositional similarity-attraction
K Kuwabara, J Cao, S Cho, P Ingram
Academy of Management Journal 66 (2), 667-687, 2023
Costly punishment increases prosocial punishment by designated punishers: Power and legitimacy in public goods games
K Kuwabara, S Yu
Social Psychology Quarterly 80 (2), 174-193, 2017
In the shade of a forest status, reputation, and ambiguity in an online microcredit market
K Kuwabara, D Anthony, C Horne
Social Science Research 64, 96-118, 2017
Specialization in relational reasoning: The efficiency, accuracy, and neural substrates of social versus nonsocial inferences
MF Mason, JC Magee, K Kuwabara, L Nind
Social Psychological and Personality Science 1 (4), 318-326, 2010
Affective Attachment in Electronic Markets: A Sociological Study of eBay
K Kuwabara
Economic Sociology of Capitalism, 2005
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Articles 1–20