cesareo raimundez
cesareo raimundez
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Vigo
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Cited by
Adaptive tracking control for a quad-rotor
C Raimúndez, AF Villaverde
Passive internet-based crane teleoperation with haptic aids
AF Villaverde, C Raimúndez, A Barreiro
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 10 (1), 78-87, 2012
Adaptive tracking in mobile robots with input-output linearization
C Raimúndez, AF Villaverde, A Barreiro
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 136 (5), 054503, 2014
Passive position error correction in Internet-based teleoperation
AF Villaverde, A Barreiro, C Raimúndez
Automatica 46 (11), 1884-1890, 2010
QFT controller synthesis using evolutive strategies
C Raimúndez, A Baños, A Barreiro
Proceedings of the 5th International QFT Symposium on Quantitative Feedback …, 2001
1tabilizing an inverted spherical pendulum using a scale quad-rotor
C Raimúndez, JL Camaño, A Barreiro
The 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in …, 2014
Transporting hanging loads using a scale quad-rotor
C Raimúndez, JL Camaño
CONTROLO’2014–Proceedings of the 11th Portuguese Conference on Automatic …, 2015
Damping injection by reset control
C Raimúndez, A Barreiro, AF Villaverde
An intelligent supervisory model for path planning and guidance of mobile robots in non-structured environments
AR Diéguez, C Raimúndez, R Sanz, J López, E Delgado
Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 1995, 79-84, 1995
Robust stabilization for the nonlinear benchmark problem (TORA) using neural nets and evolution strategies
C Raimúndez
Nonlinear control in the year 2000 volume 2, 301-313, 2007
Application of adaptive control to 2dof helicopter model
M Bejar, C Raimundez
Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial 4 (1), 35-+, 2007
Aplicación de control adaptativo a modelo 2 gdl de helicóptero
M Béjar, C Raimúndez
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI 4 (1), 35-40, 2007
Reset control for injecting dissipation into port-hamiltonian systems
C Raimúndez, A Barreiro, A Fernández
2009 European Control Conference (ECC), 4919-4924, 2009
MIMO output feedback adaptive neural network control of an autonomous scale model helicopter mounted in a 2DOF platform
JC Raimundez, JL Camano, JA Baltar
Proceedings World Automation Congress, 2004. 15, 215-222, 2004
Tracking in scale quad-rotors through adaptive augmentation
C Raimúndez, JL Camaño
Neural Computing and Applications 23, 635-643, 2013
Adaptive mobile robots formation control using neural networks
C Raimúndez, E Paz
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 884-889, 2013
Application of Adaptive Neural-Network Control to a Scale 6DoF Helicopter
C Raimúndez, JL Camano, M Béjar
Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, 2006
Evolution strategies for path tracking with guaranteed stability
JC Raimúndez, A Barreiro
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31 (2), 19-23, 1998
Adaptive strategies for collaborative work with scale quad-rotors
JC Raimúndez, JL Camaño
2014 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and …, 2014
Adaptive Output Feedback Control of a Scale Helicopter Restricted to a 2DoF Platform
JC Raimúndez, JL Camaño, M Béjar, JA Baltar
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 169-174, 2005
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Articles 1–20