Eduardo de Olivindo Cavalcante
Eduardo de Olivindo Cavalcante
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará
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Cited by
Distributed beamforming in dynamic TDD MIMO networks with BS to BS interference constraints
E de Olivindo Cavalcante, G Fodor, YCB Silva, WC Freitas
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 7 (5), 788-791, 2018
Bidirectional sum-power minimization beamforming in dynamic TDD MIMO networks
E de Olivindo Cavalcante, G Fodor, YCB Silva, WC Freitas
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (10), 9988-10002, 2019
User scheduling based on multi-agent deep Q-learning for robust beamforming in multicell MISO systems
IM Braga, EO Cavalcante, G Fodor, YCB Silva, CFM e Silva, WC Freitas
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (12), 2809-2813, 2020
A Performance Analysis of ADMM Applied to Coordinated Beamforming
EO Cavalcante, YCB Silva, WC Freitas Jr
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