Stan Haan
Stan Haan
Professor of Physics, Calvin College
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Nonsequential double ionization as a completely classical photoelectric effect
PJ Ho, R Panfili, SL Haan, JH Eberly
Physical review letters 94 (9), 093002, 2005
Variable Time Lag and Backward Ejection in Full-Dimensional Analysis<? format?> of Strong-Field Double Ionization
SL Haan, L Breen, A Karim, JH Eberly
Physical review letters 97 (10), 103008, 2006
Slow-down collisions and nonsequential double ionization in classical simulations
R Panfili, SL Haan, JH Eberly
Physical review letters 89 (11), 113001, 2002
Comparing classical and quantum dynamics of strong-field double ionization
R Panfili, JH Eberly, SL Haan
Optics Express 8 (7), 431-435, 2001
Correlation effects in two-electron model atoms in intense laser fields
WC Liu, JH Eberly, SL Haan, R Grobe
Physical review letters 83 (3), 520, 1999
Recollision Excitation, Electron Correlation, and the Production<? format?> of High-Momentum Electrons in Double Ionization
SL Haan, JS Van Dyke, ZS Smith
Physical review letters 101 (11), 113001, 2008
Influence of spontaneous emission on laser-induced autoionization
GS Agarwal, SL Haan, K Burnett, J Cooper
Physical Review Letters 48 (17), 1164, 1982
Radiative decay of autoionizing states in laser fields. I. General theory
GS Agarwal, SL Haan, J Cooper
Physical Review A 29 (5), 2552, 1984
Numerical study of autoionizing states in completely correlated two-electron systems
SL Haan, R Grobe, JH Eberly
Physical Review A 50 (1), 378, 1994
Anticorrelated electrons from weak recollisions in nonsequential double ionization
SL Haan, ZS Smith, KN Shomsky, PW Plantinga
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41 (21), 211002, 2008
Projection-operator approach to the unified treatment of radiative and dielectronic recombination
SL Haan, VL Jacobs
Physical Review A 40 (1), 80, 1989
Cooper, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48: 1164 (1982) and
GS Agarwal, SL Haan, K Burnett
Phys. Rev. A 26, 2277, 1982
Nuclear-mass dependence of azimuthal beam-helicity and beam-charge asymmetries in deeply virtual Compton scattering
A Airapetian, N Akopov, Z Akopov, M Amarian, EC Aschenauer, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 81 (3), 035202, 2010
Recollision dynamics and time delay in strong-field double ionization
SL Haan, L Breen, A Karim, JH Eberly
Optics Express 15 (3), 767-778, 2007
Unified description of radiative and dielectronic recombination, including the coupling between autoionization and radiation continua
VL Jacobs, J Cooper, SL Haan
Physical Review A 36 (3), 1093, 1987
Origin of correlated electron emission in double ionization of atoms
SL Haan, PS Wheeler, R Panfili, JH Eberly
Physical Review A 66 (6), 061402, 2002
Electron drift directions in strong-field double ionization of atoms
SL Haan, ZS Smith, KN Shomsky, PW Plantinga
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (13), 134009, 2009
Threshold shifts in negative-ion photodetachment
SL Haan, J Cooper
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 17 (17), 3481, 1984
Frustrated nonsequential double ionization: A classical model
KN Shomsky, ZS Smith, SL Haan
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (6), 061402, 2009
A split-domain algorithm for time-dependent multi-electron wave functions
R Grobe, SL Haan, JH Eberly
Computer physics communications 117 (3), 200-210, 1999
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Articles 1–20