Jingui Xie
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Cited by
Association between short-term exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 infection: Evidence from China
Y Zhu, J Xie, F Huang, L Cao
Science of The Total Environment, 138704, 2020
Association between ambient temperature and COVID-19 infection in 122 cities from China
J Xie, Y Zhu
Science of The Total Environment, 138201, 2020
The short-term effects of air pollutants on hospitalizations for respiratory disease in Hefei, China
J Xie, J Teng, Y Fan, R Xie, A Shen
International journal of biometeorology 63, 315-326, 2019
The mediating effect of air quality on the association between human mobility and COVID-19 infection in China
Y Zhu, J Xie, F Huang, L Cao
Environmental research 189, 109911, 2020
Mediation by human mobility of the association between temperature and COVID-19 transmission rate
W Shao, J Xie, Y Zhu
Environmental research 194, 110608, 2021
Joint estimation and robustness optimization
T Zhu, J Xie, M Sim
Management Science 68 (3), 1659-1677, 2022
Priority queue with customer upgrades
QM He, J Xie, X Zhao
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 59 (5), 362-375, 2012
Effects of rescheduling on patient no-show behavior in outpatient clinics
J Liu, J Xie, KK Yang, Z Zheng
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 21 (4), 780-797, 2019
Feature selection and syndrome classification for rheumatoid arthritis patients with Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment
J Xie, Y Li, N Wang, L Xin, Y Fang, J Liu
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 34, 101059, 2020
Stability of a priority queueing system with customer transfers
J Xie, QM He, X Zhao
Operations Research Letters 36 (6), 705-709, 2008
Effect of blockchain technology initiatives on firms’ market value
HS Ali, F Jia, Z Lou, J Xie
Financial Innovation 9 (1), 48, 2023
Analytics for Hospital Resource Planning—Two Case Studies
J Xie, W Zhuang, M Ang, MC Chou, L Luo, DD Yao
Production and Operations Management, 2020
Priority service pricing with heterogeneous customers: Impact of delay cost distribution
P Cao, Y Wang, J Xie
Production and Operations Management 28 (11), 2854-2876, 2019
Optimal control of a multiclass queueing system when customers can change types
P Cao, J Xie
Queueing Systems 82 (3), 285-313, 2016
On the stationary distribution of queue lengths in a multi-class priority queueing system with customer transfers
J Xie, QM He, X Zhao
Queueing Systems 62, 255-277, 2009
Dynamic control of a tandem system with abandonments
G Zayas-Cabán, J Xie, LV Green, ME Lewis
Queueing Systems 84, 279-293, 2016
The analytics of bed shortages: Coherent metric, prediction, and optimization
J Xie, GG Loke, M Sim, SW Lam
Operations Research 71 (1), 23-46, 2023
Determining the conditions for reverse triage in emergency medical services using queuing theory
J Xie, P Cao, B Huang, MEH Ong
International Journal of Production Research 54 (11), 3347-3364, 2016
Using social media data to assess the impact of COVID-19 on mental health in China
Y Zhu, J Xie, Y Yu, A Chen
Psychological Medicine, 2021
Association between rainfall and readmissions of rheumatoid arthritis patients: a time-stratified case-crossover analysis
J Xie, Y Zhu, Y Fan, L Xin, J Liu
International journal of biometeorology 64, 145-153, 2020
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Articles 1–20