Stuart E Bunn
Stuart E Bunn
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Global threats to human water security and river biodiversity
CJ Vörösmarty, PB McIntyre, MO Gessner, D Dudgeon, A Prusevich, ...
nature 467 (7315), 555-561, 2010
Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow regimes for aquatic biodiversity
SE Bunn, AH Arthington
Environmental management 30, 492-507, 2002
The ecological limits of hydrologic alteration (ELOHA): a new framework for developing regional environmental flow standards
NL Poff, BD Richter, AH Arthington, SE Bunn, RJ Naiman, E Kendy, ...
Freshwater biology 55 (1), 147-170, 2010
The challenge of providing environmental flow rules to sustain river ecosystems
AH Arthington, SE Bunn, NLR Poff, RJ Naiman
Ecological applications 16 (4), 1311-1318, 2006
Bending the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss: an emergency recovery plan
D Tickner, JJ Opperman, R Abell, M Acreman, AH Arthington, SE Bunn, ...
BioScience 70 (4), 330-342, 2020
Lipid corrections in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses: comparison of chemical extraction and modelling methods
JM Logan, TD Jardine, TJ Miller, SE Bunn, RA Cunjak, ME Lutcavage
Journal of Animal Ecology, 838-846, 2008
Safe and just Earth system boundaries
J Rockström, J Gupta, D Qin, SJ Lade, JF Abrams, LS Andersen, ...
Nature 619 (7968), 102-111, 2023
Ecosystem measures of river health and their response to riparian and catchment degradation
SE Bunn, PM Davies, TD Mosisch
Freshwater biology 41 (2), 333-345, 1999
Terrestrial and inland water systems
J Settele, R Scholes, RA Betts, S Bunn, P Leadley, D Nepstad, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Sources of organic carbon supporting the food web of an arid zone floodplain river
SE Bunn, PM Davies, M Winning
Freshwater Biology 48 (4), 619-635, 2003
Effects of acid washing on stable isotope ratios of C and N in penaeid shrimp and seagrass: Implications for foodweb studies using multiple stable isotopes
SE Bunn, NR Loneragan, MA Kempster
Limnology and oceanography 40 (3), 622-625, 1995
The Brisbane declaration and global action agenda on environmental flows (2018)
AH Arthington, A Bhaduri, SE Bunn, SE Jackson, RE Tharme, D Tickner, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 6, 45, 2018
Flow variability in dryland rivers: boom, bust and the bits in between
SE Bunn, MC Thoms, SK Hamilton, SJ Capon
River Research and Applications 22 (2), 179-186, 2006
How important are terrestrial organic carbon inputs for secondary production in freshwater ecosystems?
MT Brett, SE Bunn, S Chandra, AWE Galloway, F Guo, MJ Kainz, ...
Freshwater Biology 62 (5), 833-853, 2017
Legitimizing fluvial ecosystems as users of water: an overview
RJ Naiman, SE Bunn, C Nilsson, GE Petts, G Pinay, LC Thompson
Environmental management 30, 455-467, 2002
Are mangroves and seagrasses sources of organic carbon for penaeid prawns in a tropical Australian estuary? A multiple stable-isotope study
NR Loneragan, SE Bunn, DM Kellaway
Marine Biology 130, 289-300, 1997
When the river runs dry: human and ecological values of dry riverbeds
AL Steward, D von Schiller, K Tockner, JC Marshall, SE Bunn
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (4), 202-209, 2012
Sources, sinks and transformations of organic carbon in Australian floodplain rivers
AI Robertson, SE Bunn, PI Boon, KF Walker
Marine and Freshwater Research 50 (8), 813-829, 1999
What sources of organic carbon drive food webs in billabongs? A study based on stable isotope analysis
SE Bunn, PI Boon
Oecologia 96, 85-94, 1993
Environmental flows and water governance: managing sustainable water uses
C Pahl-Wostl, A Arthington, J Bogardi, SE Bunn, H Hoff, L Lebel, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5 (3-4), 341-351, 2013
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