Shi Yi
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Cited by
Short-Term Operation Scheduling in Renewable-Powered Microgrids: A Duality-Based Approach
B Zhao, Y Shi, X Dong, W Luan, J Bornemann
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 5 (1), 209 - 217, 2014
Joint Channel Training and Feedback for FDD Massive MIMO Systems
W Shen, L Dai, Y Shi, Z Wang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (10), 8762 - 8767, 2016
A game-theoretic approach for distributed power control in interference relay channels
Y Shi, J Wang, K Letaief, R Mallik
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (6), 3151-3161, 2009
Multiple Access and Data Reconstruction in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Compressed Sensing
T Xue, X Dong, Y Shi
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 12 (7), 3399-3411, 2013
Frame synchronization based on multiple frame observations
E Bastaki, HH Tan, Y Shi, K Letaief
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 9 (3), 1097-1107, 2010
Cooperative multiplexing and scheduling in wireless relay networks
Y Shi, W Zhang, K Ben Letaief
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'08), 3034-3038, 2008
Resource Allocation Strategy for Multi-user Cognitive Radio Systems: Location-Aware Spectrum Access
T Xue, X Dong, Y Shi
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (1), 884 - 889, 2016
Compressive sensing-based differential channel feedback for massive MIMO
W Shen, L Dai, Y Shi, X Zhu, Z Wang
Electronics Letters 51 (22), 1824--1826, 2015
Pricing and Revenue Maximization for Battery Charging Services in PHEV Markets
B Zhao, Y Shi, X Dong
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (4), 1987-1993, 2014
A Framework for Location-Aware Strategies in Cognitive Radio Systems
T Xue, Y Shi, X Dong
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 1 (1), 30-33, 2012
Power control for relay-assisted wireless systems with general relaying
Y Shi, RK Mallik, KB Letaief
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'10), 1-5, 2010
Coalition-assisted resource allocation in large amplify-and-forward cooperative networks
Y Shi, X Dong, KB Letaief, RK Mallik
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 61 (4), 1863-1873, 2012
Massive MIMO Channel Estimation Based on Block Iterative Support Detection
W Shen, L Dai, Y Shi, Z Gao, Z Wang
IEEE WCNC (Wireless Communications and Networking Conference), 2016
Power allocation in gaussian interference relay channels via game theory
Y Shi, JH Wang, WL Huang, K Ben Letaief
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'08), 1-5, 2008
A multiple access scheme based on multi-dimensional compressed sensing
T Xue, X Dong, Y Shi
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'12), 3774-3778, 2012
Robust Relay Design for Two-Way Multi-Antenna Relay Systems with Imperfect CSI
C Wang, X Dong, Y Shi
Journal of Communications and Networks 16 (1), 45-55, 2014
Randomized power control for two-hop interference channels
Y Shi, RK Mallik, KB Letaief
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (12), 1128-1130, 2010
Distributed Power Allocation in Two-Hop Interference Channels: An Implicit-Based Approach
Y Shi, K Ben Letaief, RK Mallik, X Dong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 11 (5), 1911-1921, 2012
Game-theoretic resource allocation for two-hop interference channels
Y Shi, KB Letaief, RK Mallik
Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), 2010 IEEE, 1-5, 2010
Coalition-Assisted Resource Allocation for Large-Scale Cooperative Networks
Y Shi, X Dong, KB Letaief, RK Mallik
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'11), 1-6, 2011
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Articles 1–20