Adam J. Fleisher
Cited by
Cited by
The HITRAN2020 molecular spectroscopic database
IE Gordon, LS Rothman, RJ Hargreaves, R Hashemi, EV Karlovets, ...
Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer 277, 107949, 2022
Multiheterodyne spectroscopy with optical frequency combs generated from a continuous-wave laser
DA Long, AJ Fleisher, KO Douglass, SE Maxwell, K Bielska, JT Hodges, ...
Optics letters 39 (9), 2688-2690, 2014
Cavity-enhanced optical frequency comb spectroscopy in the mid-infrared application to trace detection of hydrogen peroxide
A Foltynowicz, P Masłowski, AJ Fleisher, BJ Bjork, J Ye
Applied Physics B 110, 163-175, 2013
Mid-infrared virtually imaged phased array spectrometer for rapid and broadband trace gas detection
L Nugent-Glandorf, T Neely, F Adler, AJ Fleisher, KC Cossel, B Bjork, ...
Optics letters 37 (15), 3285-3287, 2012
Mid-infrared time-resolved frequency comb spectroscopy of transient free radicals
AJ Fleisher, BJ Bjork, TQ Bui, KC Cossel, M Okumura, J Ye
The journal of physical chemistry letters 5 (13), 2241-2246, 2014
Coherent cavity-enhanced dual-comb spectroscopy
AJ Fleisher, DA Long, ZD Reed, JT Hodges, DF Plusquellic
Optics express 24 (10), 10424-10434, 2016
Optical measurement of radiocarbon below unity fraction modern by linear absorption spectroscopy
AJ Fleisher, DA Long, Q Liu, L Gameson, JT Hodges
The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (18), 4550-4556, 2017
Multiplexed sub-Doppler spectroscopy with an optical frequency comb
DA Long, AJ Fleisher, DF Plusquellic, JT Hodges
Physical Review A 94 (6), 061801, 2016
Precision spectroscopy of H13CN using a free-running, all-fiber dual electro-optic frequency comb system
P Guay, J Genest, AJ Fleisher
Optics letters 43 (6), 1407-1410, 2018
Mid-infrared interference coatings with excess optical loss below 10 ppm
G Winkler, LW Perner, GW Truong, G Zhao, D Bachmann, AS Mayer, ...
Optica 8 (5), 686-696, 2021
Quantum-noise-limited cavity ring-down spectroscopy
DA Long, AJ Fleisher, S Wojtewicz, JT Hodges
Applied Physics B 115, 149-153, 2014
Absolute 13C/12C isotope amount ratio for Vienna PeeDee Belemnite from infrared absorption spectroscopy
AJ Fleisher, H Yi, A Srivastava, OL Polyansky, NF Zobov, JT Hodges
Nature physics 17 (8), 889-893, 2021
Twenty-five-fold reduction in measurement uncertainty for a molecular line intensity
AJ Fleisher, EM Adkins, ZD Reed, H Yi, DA Long, HM Fleurbaey, ...
Physical review letters 123 (4), 043001, 2019
A variable-temperature cavity ring-down spectrometer with application to line shape analysis of CO2 spectra in the 1600 nm region
M Ghysels, Q Liu, AJ Fleisher, JT Hodges
Applied Physics B 123, 1-13, 2017
Ultra-sensitive cavity ring-down spectroscopy in the mid-infrared spectral region
DA Long, AJ Fleisher, Q Liu, JT Hodges
Optics letters 41 (7), 1612-1615, 2016
Precision interferometric measurements of mirror birefringence in high-finesse optical resonators
AJ Fleisher, DA Long, Q Liu, JT Hodges
Physical Review A 93 (1), 013833, 2016
High‐accuracy near‐infrared carbon dioxide intensity measurements to support remote sensing
DA Long, ZD Reed, AJ Fleisher, J Mendonca, S Roche, JT Hodges
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (5), e2019GL086344, 2020
Dual-comb cavity ring-down spectroscopy
D Lisak, D Charczun, A Nishiyama, T Voumard, T Wildi, G Kowzan, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 2377, 2022
Doppler-free two-photon cavity ring-down spectroscopy of a nitrous oxide () vibrational overtone transition
G Zhao, DM Bailey, AJ Fleisher, JT Hodges, KK Lehmann
Physical Review A 101 (6), 062509, 2020
Dual electro-optic frequency comb spectroscopy using pseudo-random modulation
K Fdil, V Michaud-Belleau, NB Hébert, P Guay, AJ Fleisher, ...
Optics letters 44 (17), 4415-4418, 2019
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