Maciej Niedzwiecki
Maciej Niedzwiecki
professor, Gdansk University of Technology
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Identification of time-varying processes
M Niedzwiecki
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000
Adaptive scheme for elimination of broadband noise and impulsive disturbances from AR and ARMA signals
M Niedzwiecki, K Cisowski
IEEE transactions on signal processing 44 (3), 528-537, 1996
Application of adaptive filtering to dynamic weighing of vehicles
M Niedźwiecki, A Wasilewski
Control Engineering Practice 4 (5), 635-644, 1996
Identification of nonstationary stochastic systems using parallel estimation schemes
M Niedzwiecki
IEEE transactions on automatic control 35 (3), 329-334, 1990
Dynamic mass measurement in checkweighers using a discrete time-variant low-pass filter
P Pietrzak, M Meller, M Niedźwiecki
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 48 (1-2), 67-76, 2014
Tracking analysis of a generalized adaptive notch filter
M Niedzwiecki, P Kaczmarek
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54 (1), 304-314, 2005
Automated detection of sleep apnea and hypopnea events based on robust airflow envelope tracking in the presence of breathing artifacts
M Ciołek, M Niedźwiecki, S Sieklicki, J Drozdowski, J Siebert
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (2), 418-429, 2014
A new approach to active noise and vibration control—Part I: The known frequency case
M Niedzwiecki, M Meller
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (9), 3373-3386, 2009
Recursive functional series modeling estimators for identification of time-varying plants-more bad news than good?
M Niedzwiecki
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 35 (5), 610-616, 1990
Functional series modeling approach to identification of nonstationary stochastic systems
M Niedzwiecki
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 33 (10), 955-961, 1988
Elimination of impulsive disturbances from archive audio signals using bidirectional processing
M Niedzwiecki, M Ciolek
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 21 (5), 1046-1059, 2013
Smoothing of discontinuous signals: The competitive approach
M Niedzwiecki, WA Sethares
IEEE transactions on signal processing 43 (1), 1-13, 1995
Nonasymptotic results for finite-memory WLS filters
M Niedzwiecki, L Guo
Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,, 1785-1790, 1989
A New Approach to Active Noise and Vibration Control—Part II: The Unknown Frequency Case
M Niedzwiecki, M Meller
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (9), 3387-3398, 2009
Fast recursive basis function estimators for identification of time-varying processes
M Niedzwiecki, T Klaput
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50 (8), 1925-1934, 2002
Identification of time-varying systems with abrupt parameter changes
M Niedźwiecki
Automatica 30 (3), 447-459, 1994
On the localized estimators and generalized Akaike's criteria
M Niedzwiecki
IEEE transactions on automatic control 29 (11), 970-983, 1984
Application of regularized Savitzky–Golay filters to identification of time-varying systems
MJ Niedźwiecki, M Ciołek, A Gańcza, P Kaczmarek
Automatica 133, 109865, 2021
Statistical reconstruction of multivariate time series
M Niedzwiecki
IEEE transactions on signal processing 41 (1), 451, 1993
Identification of time-varying systems using combined parameter estimation and filtering
M Niedzwiecki
IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing 38 (4), 679-686, 1990
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Articles 1–20