Chi Man Luk
Chi Man Luk
Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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Cited by
Deep ultraviolet photoluminescence of water-soluble self-passivated graphene quantum dots
L Tang, R Ji, X Cao, J Lin, H Jiang, X Li, KS Teng, CM Luk, S Zeng, J Hao, ...
ACS nano 6 (6), 5102-5110, 2012
Highly responsive MoS2 photodetectors enhanced by graphene quantum dots
C Chen, H Qiao, S Lin, C Man Luk, Y Liu, Z Xu, J Song, Y Xue, D Li, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 11830, 2015
An efficient and stable fluorescent graphene quantum dot–agar composite as a converting material in white light emitting diodes
CM Luk, LB Tang, WF Zhang, SF Yu, KS Teng, SP Lau
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (42), 22378-22381, 2012
Optically and electrically tunable graphene quantum dot–polyaniline composite films
CM Luk, BL Chen, KS Teng, LB Tang, SP Lau
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (23), 4526-4532, 2014
Photoresponse of polyaniline-functionalized graphene quantum dots
SK Lai, CM Luk, L Tang, KS Teng, SP Lau
Nanoscale 7 (12), 5338-5343, 2015
Size and dopant dependent single particle fluorescence properties of graphene quantum dots
SK Das, CM Luk, WE Martin, L Tang, DY Kim, SP Lau, CI Richards
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (31), 17988-17994, 2015
A deep ultraviolet to near-infrared photoresponse from glucose-derived graphene oxide
SK Lai, L Tang, YY Hui, CM Luk, SP Lau
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (34), 6971-6977, 2014
Hydroelectric generator from transparent flexible zinc oxide nanofilms
X Li, C Shen, Q Wang, CM Luk, B Li, J Yin, SP Lau, W Guo
Nano Energy 32, 125-129, 2017
Ultraviolet electroluminescence from two-dimensional ZnO nanomesh/GaN heterojunction light emitting diodes
J Ye, Y Zhao, L Tang, LM Chen, CM Luk, SF Yu, ST Lee, SP Lau
Applied physics letters 98 (26), 2011
Electropulsing-induced microstructure evolution and its effect on electrical conductivity of (Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 thin films
WEL Y.H. Zhu, J. Jiang, Y.K. Xiao, C.M. Luk
Scripta Materialia 69 (3), 219-222, 2013
Kinetically controlled redox behaviors of K 0.3 MnO 2 electrodes for high performance sodium-ion batteries
J Qian, Y San Chui, G Li, M Lin, CM Luk, CH Mak, B Zhang, F Yan, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (23), 10803-10812, 2018
Large-area uniform electron doping of graphene by Ag nanofilm
X Guo, L Peng, L Tang, J Xiang, R Ji, K Zhang, CM Luk, SK Lai, R Wan, ...
AIP advances 7 (4), 2017
Two-Photon Fluorescence in N-Doped Graphene Quantum Dots
CM Luk, MK Tsang, CF Chan, SP Lau
International Journal of Chemical, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical …, 2014
ACS Nano 6, 5102 (2012)
L Tang, R Ji, X Cao, J Lin, H Jiang, X Li, KS Teng, CM Luk, S Zeng, J Hao, ...
Crossref, ISI, 0
The Study on the Vibrational Spectra of THz/IR Absorbance and Raman Scattering for Phosgene
LB Tang
Infrared Technol 2 (004), 19093572, 2011
Electropulsing-Induced Microstructural Changes and Their Effects on Electrical Conductivity of Thin Films of an Al-doped ZnO
YH Zhu, CM Luk
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 31, 1361-1367, 2018
Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene quantum dots for electronic and optoelectronic applications
CM Luk
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2015
Optofluidic microreactors for photocatalytic water purification
X Zhang
Fabrication and characterization of ZnO-based light-emitting diodes
C Luk
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2012
Hybrid light-emitting diodes based on low-temperature grown ZnO nanorods and organic semiconductor
CM Luk, YY Hui, J Ye, PKL Chan, SP Lau
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies [ICMAT], 2011
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Articles 1–20