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{M2R}: Enabling stronger privacy in {MapReduce} computation
TTA Dinh, P Saxena, EC Chang, BC Ooi, C Zhang
24th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 15), 447-462, 2015
Population‐based cohort study of outcomes following cholecystectomy for benign gallbladder diseases
CholeS Study Group, West Midlands Research Collaborative, RS Vohra, ...
British Journal of Surgery 103 (12), 1704-1715, 2016
DNN speaker adaptation using parameterised sigmoid and ReLU hidden activation functions
C Zhang, PC Woodland
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Tagged-MapReduce: A general framework for secure computing with mixed-sensitivity data on hybrid clouds
C Zhang, EC Chang, RHC Yap
2014 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2014
Population-based cohort study of variation in the use of emergency cholecystectomy for benign gallbladder diseases
Journal of British Surgery 103 (12), 1716-1726, 2016
Three-dimensional fractal analysis of fracture surfaces in titanium–iron particulate reinforced hydroxyapatite composites: relationship between fracture toughness and fractal …
Q Chang, DL Chen, HQ Ru, XY Yue, L Yu, CP Zhang
Journal of materials science 46, 6118-6123, 2011
An optimization model for aesthetic two-dimensional barcodes
C Fang, C Zhang, EC Chang
MultiMedia Modeling: 20th Anniversary International Conference, MMM 2014 …, 2014
An empirical study on performance comparison of lucene and relational database
Y Jing, C Zhang, X Wang
2009 International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, 336-340, 2009
Oesophageal Cancer Clinical and Molecular Stratification (OCCAMS) Study Group. A 4-gene signature predicts survival of patients with resected adenocarcinoma of the esophagus …
CJ Peters, JR Rees, RH Hardwick, JS Hardwick, SL Vowler, CA Ong, ...
Gastroenterology 139 (6), 1995-2004, 2010
A event-based change detection method of cadastral database incremental updating
YT Fan, JY Yang, C Zhang, DH Zhu
Mathematical and computer modelling 51 (11-12), 1343-1350, 2010
RNA-interference-mediated downregulation of Pin1 suppresses tumorigenicity of malignant melanoma A375 cells.
J Jin, Y Zhang, Y Li, H Zhang, H Li, X Yuan, X Li, W Zhou, B Xu, C Zhang, ...
Neoplasma 60 (1), 92-100, 2013
Processing of mixed-sensitivity video surveillance streams on hybrid clouds
C Zhang, EC Chang
2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 9-16, 2014
Petrochemistry of volcanic rocks of the Yixian volcanic cycle in the Beipiao-Yixian area, western Liaoning
P Yan-dong, Z Li-dong, Z Chang-jie, GUO Sheng-zhe, X De-he, JIA Bin, ...
Geology in China 31 (4), 356-364, 2004
K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages determination of volcanic rocks of Yixian Formation, Western Liaoning
YD Peng, LD Zhang, CJ Zhang, SZ Guo, DH Xing, B Jia, SW Chen, ...
Geochimica 32 (5), 427-435, 2003
Correction to: Utilisation of an operative difficulty grading scale for laparoscopic cholecystectomy
EA Griffiths, J Hodson, RS Vohra, P Marriott, T Katbeh, S Zino, ...
Surgical endoscopy 33, 122-125, 2019
Clinical analysis of the factors related to diarrhea in intensive care unit
TJ Wu, ZJ Liu, YM Zhao, CL Yang, CY Zhang
Zhongguo wei Zhong Bing ji jiu yi xue= Chinese Critical Care Medicine …, 2004
Interfacial reactions in Ti–Fe particles reinforced hydroxyapatite matrix composites
Q Chang, HQ Ru, DL Chen, CP Zhang, JL Yang, SL Hu
Materials Letters 128, 245-247, 2014
Expression of SH2B1 adaptor protein in oesophageal cancer and its clinical significance
H Zhang, C Duan, Y Cheng, C Zhang
Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban= Journal of Central South University …, 2013
catena-Poly [silver (I)-μ-pyrazolato-κ2N: N′]
CY Zhang, JB Feng, Q Gao, YB Xie
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 64 (2), m352-m352, 2008
Context independent discriminative pre-training
C Zhang, PC Woodland
unpublished work, 2014
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Articles 1–20