Dong Seong Kim (D.-S. Kim)
Dong Seong Kim (D.-S. Kim)
CEO and Director of NSLab Inc. and ICT-CRC, Professor of EE, KIT
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Cited by
Cited by
Maximum allowable delay bounds of networked control systems
DS Kim, YS Lee, WH Kwon, HS Park
Control Engineering Practice 11 (11), 1301-1313, 2003
Implementation of Virtual Factory Communication Systems using Manufacturing Message Specification, The industrial communication technology handbook
DS Kim, WH Kwon
CRC Press, 2005
A scheduling method for network-based control systems
HS Park, YH Kim, DS Kim, WH Kwon
Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on 10 (3), 318-330, 2002
Artificial intelligence for the metaverse: A survey
T Huynh-The, QV Pham, XQ Pham, TT Nguyen, Z Han, DS Kim
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 117, 105581, 2023
Sensor Networks and Configuration:Wireless Petdog Management System
DS Kim
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007
Enhancing real-time delivery of gradient routing for industrial wireless sensor networks
PTA Quang, DS Kim
Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on 8 (1), 61-68, 2012
Prospects and challenges of Metaverse application in data‐driven intelligent transportation systems
JN Njoku, CI Nwakanma, GC Amaizu, DS Kim
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 17 (1), 1-21, 2023
Toward the internet of things for physical internet: Perspectives and challenges
H Tran-Dang, N Krommenacker, P Charpentier, DS Kim
IEEE internet of things journal 7 (6), 4711-4736, 2020
CNN-based automatic modulation classification for beyond 5G communications
AP Hermawan, RR Ginanjar, DS Kim, JM Lee
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (5), 1038-1041, 2020
MCNet: An efficient CNN architecture for robust automatic modulation classification
T Huynh-The, CH Hua, QV Pham, DS Kim
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (4), 811-815, 2020
Design and implementation of home network systems using UPnP middleware for networked appliances
DS Kim, JM Lee, WH Kwon, IK Yuh
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 48 (4), 963-972, 2002
The Internet of Things for logistics: Perspectives, application review, and challenges
H Tran-Dang, N Krommenacker, P Charpentier, DS Kim
IETE Technical Review 39 (1), 93-121, 2022
Underwater acoustic target classification based on dense convolutional neural network
VS Doan, T Huynh-The, DS Kim
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19, 1-5, 2020
Composite and efficient DDos attack detection framework for B5G networks
GC Amaizu, CI Nwakanma, S Bhardwaj, JM Lee, DS Kim
Computer Networks 188, 107871, 2021
Energy-aware real-time routing for large-scale industrial Internet of Things
NB Long, H Tran-Dang, DS Kim
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (3), 2190-2199, 2018
Reliability analysis in smart grid networks considering distributed energy resources and storage devices
A Abdukhakimov, S Bhardwaj, G Gashema, DS Kim
International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering …, 2019
IoT-based adaptive network mechanism for reliable smart farm system
MR Ramli, PT Daely, DS Kim, JM Lee
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 170, 105287, 2020
Throughput-aware Routing for Industrial Sensor Networks: Application to ISA100. 11a
PTA Quang, DS Kim
Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on 9 (3), 351-356, 2014
Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for intrusion detection and mitigation in intelligent connected vehicles: A review
CI Nwakanma, LAC Ahakonye, JN Njoku, JC Odirichukwu, SA Okolie, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (3), 1252, 2023
FRATO: Fog resource based adaptive task offloading for delay-minimizing IoT service provisioning
H Tran-Dang, DS Kim
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (10), 2491-2508, 2021
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Articles 1–20