Christa Nater
Cited by
Cited by
Gender stereotypes have changed: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of US public opinion polls from 1946 to 2018.
AH Eagly, C Nater, DI Miller, M Kaufmann, S Sczesny
American psychologist 75 (3), 301, 2020
Agency and communion: Their implications for gender stereotypes and gender identities
S Sczesny, C Nater, AH Eagly
Agency and communion in social psychology, 103-116, 2018
Affirmative action policies in job advertisements for leadership positions: How they affect women's and men's inclination to apply
C Nater, S Sczesny
European Journal of Social Psychology 46 (7), 891-902, 2016
Accuracy of social perception: An integration and review of meta‐analyses
C Nater, E Zell
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 9 (9), 481-494, 2015
Perceived to be incompetent, but not a risk: Why men are evaluated as less suitable for childcare work than women
S Sczesny, C Nater, S Haines
Journal of applied social psychology, 2021
Footsteps I Would Like to Follow? How Gender Quotas Affect the Acceptance of Women Leaders as Role Models and Inspirations for Leadership
C Nater, ME Heilman, S Sczesny
European Journal of Social Psychology 53, 129-146, 2023
Sexual Aggression among Women and Men in an Iranian Sample: Prevalence and Correlates
S Malayeri, C Nater, B Krahé, S Sczesny
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 87, 139–153, 2022
What are the positive and negative side effects of gender quotas?
A Dorrough, C Nater, M Leszczyńska
In-Mind Magazine 12 (42), 2019
Novel insights on improving gender balance
C Cortland, W Hall, C Nater, A Rattan
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 16334, 2018
Managing Gender Balance: How Policy Interventions May Increase Womens Striving for Leadership
C Nater, S Sczesny
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 16334, 2018
Die Frauenquote greift in mehreren europäischen Ländern: Was sind die positiven und negativen Nebenwirkungen?
AR Dorrough, C Nater, M Leszczyńska
In-Mind Magazine 2019 (1), 1-2, 2018
Married or on a date: cultural norms and gender differences in rape perception in an Iranian sample
S Malayeri, C Nater, B Krahé, S Sczesny
Journal of Sexual Aggression, 1-16, 2024
Emphasizing the Communal Demands of a Leader Role Makes Job Interviews Less Stressful for Women But Not More Successful
C Nater, AH Eagly, ME Heilman, N Messerli-Bürgy, S Sczesny
Sex Roles, 1-15, 2024
Creating a system that cares: A PRISMA review and road map to increase men’s representation in early childhood education and care.
S Haines, C Nater, S Sczesny
Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 2024
Beyond Being Beneficiaries: Two Mechanisms Explain Why Women Have More Favourable Attitudes Towards Gender Quotas Than Men
MK Zehnter, C Nater
European Journal of Social Psychology, 2024
Overcoming barriers to increase men’s representation in early childhood education and care
S Haines, C Nater, S Sczesny
Child Links 2, 19-23, 2023
So wirken Sie «Gender Biases» entgegen
C Nater
Blog, Werkplatz Égalité, 2021
Führungskräfte als Rollenmodelle
C Pratelli, C Nater
HR Today 7, 2021
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Articles 1–18