Nashwa El-Bendary
Nashwa El-Bendary
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
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Cited by
Using machine learning techniques for evaluating tomato ripeness
N El-Bendary, E El Hariri, AE Hassanien, A Badr
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (4), 1892-1905, 2015
SVM-based detection of tomato leaves diseases
U Mokhtar, N El Bendary, AE Hassenian, E Emary, MA Mahmoud, ...
Intelligent Systems' 2014: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International …, 2015
Fall detection and prevention for the elderly: A review of trends and challenges
N El-Bendary, Q Tan, FC Pivot, A Lam
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 6 (3), 1230-1266, 2013
Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Approach Based on Mathematical Morphology
G Hassan, N El-Bendary, AE Hassanien, A Fahmy, V Snasel
Procedia Computer Science 65, 612-622, 2015
Arslat: Arabic sign language alphabets translator
N El-Bendary, HM Zawbaa, MS Daoud, AE Hassanien, K Nakamatsu
2010 International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial …, 2010
Multi-sensor integrated navigation/positioning systems using data fusion: From analytics-based to learning-based approaches
Y Zhuang, X Sun, Y Li, J Huai, L Hua, X Yang, X Cao, P Zhang, Y Cao, ...
Information Fusion 95, 62-90, 2023
RoadMonitor: An intelligent road surface condition monitoring system
A Mohamed, MMM Fouad, E Elhariri, N El-Bendary, HM Zawbaa, ...
Intelligent Systems' 2014: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International …, 2015
Automatic nile tilapia fish classification approach using machine learning techniques
MMM Fouad, HM Zawbaa, N El-Bendary, AE Hassanien
13th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2013), 173-178, 2013
Automatic computer aided segmentation for liver and hepatic lesions using hybrid segmentations techniques
AM Anter, AT Azar, AE Hassanien, N El-Bendary, MA ElSoud
2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 193-198, 2013
Plant classification system based on leaf features
E Elhariri, N El-Bendary, AE Hassanien
2014 9th International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems (ICCES …, 2014
Brain computer interface: a review
MM Fouad, KM Amin, N El-Bendary, AE Hassanien
Brain-Computer Interfaces: Current Trends and Applications, 3-30, 2015
Smart environmental monitoring using wireless sensor networks
N El-Bendary, MMM Fouad, RA Ramadan, S Banerjee, AE Hassanien
Wireless sensor networks: From theory to applications, 731-755, 2013
Event detection based approach for soccer video summarization using machine learning
HM Zawbaa, N El-Bendary, AE Hassanien, T Kim
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 7 (2), 63-80, 2012
Virtual Reality Technology for Blind and Visual Impaired People: Reviews and Recent Advances
NI Ghali, O Soluiman, N El-Bendary, TM Nassef, SA Ahmed, YM Elbarawy, ...
Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality, 363-385, 2012
Machine learning-based soccer video summarization system
HM Zawbaa, N El-Bendary, AE Hassanien, T Kim
Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting: International Conference …, 2011
Multi-class SVM based classification approach for tomato ripeness
E Elhariri, N El-Bendary, MMM Fouad, J Platoš, AE Hassanien, ...
Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the …, 2014
SVM-based soccer video summarization system
HM Zawbaa, N El-Bendary, AE Hassanien, A Abraham
2011 Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, 7-11, 2011
Sentence-Level Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis for Classifying Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) Using Hybrid Ontology-XLNet Transfer Learning
AH Sweidan, N El-Bendary, H Al-Feel
IEEE Access 9, 90828-90846, 2021
Using Hybrid Filter-Wrapper Feature Selection With Multi-Objective Improved-Salp Optimization for Crack Severity Recognition
E Elhariri, N El-Bendary, SA Taie
IEEE Access 8, 84290-84315, 2020
Machine Learning Based Classification Approach for Predicting Students Performance in Blended Learning
CG Nespereira, E Elhariri, N El-Bendary, AF Vilas, RPD Redondo
The 1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligent System and …, 2016
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Articles 1–20