Shuhan Shen
Accurate multiple view 3d reconstruction using patch-based stereo for large-scale scenes
S Shen
IEEE transactions on image processing 22 (5), 1901-1914, 2013
HSfM: Hybrid structure-from-motion
H Cui, X Gao, S Shen, Z Hu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Automatic generation of road network map from massive GPS, vehicle trajectories
W Shi, S Shen, Y Liu
2009 12th international IEEE conference on intelligent transportation …, 2009
Depth-map completion for large indoor scene reconstruction
H Liu, X Tang, S Shen
Pattern Recognition 99, 107112, 2020
A screw axis identification method for serial robot calibration based on the POE model
H Wang, S Shen, X Lu
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 39 (2), 146-153, 2012
High-resolution remote sensing data classification over urban areas using random forest ensemble and fully connected conditional random field
X Sun, X Lin, S Shen, Z Hu
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (8), 245, 2017
Efficient large-scale structure from motion by fusing auxiliary imaging information
H Cui, S Shen, W Gao, Z Hu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (11), 3561-3573, 2015
Graph-based parallel large scale structure from motion
Y Chen, S Shen, Y Chen, G Wang
Pattern Recognition 107, 107537, 2020
Monocular 3-D Tracking of Inextensible Deformable Surfaces Under -Norm
S Shen, W Shi, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19 (2), 512-521, 2009
Ancient Chinese architecture 3D preservation by merging ground and aerial point clouds
X Gao, S Shen, Y Zhou, H Cui, L Zhu, Z Hu
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 143, 72-84, 2018
Vectorized indoor surface reconstruction from 3D point cloud with multistep 2D optimization
J Han, M Rong, H Jiang, H Liu, S Shen
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 177, 57-74, 2021
Ground and aerial meta-data integration for localization and reconstruction: A review
X Gao, S Shen, Z Hu, Z Wang
Pattern Recognition Letters 127, 202-214, 2019
Large scale urban scene modeling from MVS meshes
L Zhu, S Shen, X Gao, Z Hu
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 614-629, 2018
Complete scene reconstruction by merging images and laser scans
X Gao, S Shen, L Zhu, T Shi, Z Wang, Z Hu
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 30 (10), 3688 …, 2019
Detail preserved surface reconstruction from point cloud
Y Zhou, S Shen, Z Hu
Sensors 19 (6), 1278, 2019
Model based human motion tracking using probability evolutionary algorithm
S Shen, M Tong, H Deng, Y Liu, X Wu, K Wakabayashi, H Koike
Pattern Recognition Letters 29 (13), 1877-1886, 2008
Visual localization using sparse semantic 3D map
T Shi, S Shen, X Gao, L Zhu
2019 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 315-319, 2019
Efficient and robust large-scale structure-from-motion via track selection and camera prioritization
H Cui, S Shen, W Gao, H Liu, Z Wang
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 156, 202-214, 2019
Batched incremental structure-from-motion
H Cui, S Shen, X Gao, Z Hu
2017 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 205-214, 2017
Progressive large-scale structure-from-motion with orthogonal MSTs
H Cui, S Shen, W Gao, Z Wang
2018 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 79-88, 2018
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