Hermano Moura
Cited by
Cited by
Actress: an action semantics directed compiler generator
DF Brown, H Moura, DA Watt
Compiler Construction: 4th International Conference, CC'92 Paderborn, FRG …, 1992
Risk factors in software development projects: a systematic literature review
J Menezes, C Gusmão, H Moura
Software Quality Journal 27, 1149-1174, 2019
State of the art of agile governance: a systematic review
AJHO Luna, P Kruchten, MLGE Pedrosa, HR Neto, HP De Moura
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.1922, 2014
Agile governance theory: conceptual development
AJHO Luna, P Kruchten, HP de Moura
arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.06701, 2015
Agile governance in Information and Communication Technologies: shifting paradigms
AJH Luna, CP Costa, HP Moura, MA Novaes, CADC do Nascimento
JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 7, 311-334, 2010
Elicitation of communication inherent risks in distributed software development
IH de Farias Junior, RR de Azevedo, HP de Moura, DSM da Silva
2012 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Global Software Engineering …, 2012
A performance evaluation model for project management office based on a multicriteria approach
TGA Viglioni, JAOG Cunha, HP Moura
Procedia Computer Science 100, 955-962, 2016
Agile governance theory: operationalization
AJHO Luna, MLM Marinho, HP de Moura
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 16 (1), 3-44, 2020
Decision-making in software project management: A systematic literature review
JAOG Cunha, HP Moura, FJS Vasconcellos
Procedia Computer Science 100, 947-954, 2016
Enterprise architecture analysis and network thinking: A literature review
A Santana, K Fischbach, H Moura
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 4566-4575, 2016
A systematic review of uncertainties in software project management
M Marinho, S Sampaio, T Lima, H Moura
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3690, 2014
Managing uncertainty in software projects
M Marinho, S Sampaio, H Moura
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 14, 157-181, 2018
Action transformations in the ACTRESS compiler generator
H Moura, DA Watt
International Conference on Compiler Construction, 16-30, 1994
Defining indicators for risk assessment in software development projects
J Menezes Jr, C Gusmão, H Moura
Clei electronic journal 16 (1), 11-11, 2013
Uncertainty management in software projects
MLM Marinho
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2015
GAME: Governance for agile management of enterprises: A management model for agile governance
JHO Alexandre, P Kruchten, HP de Moura
2013 IEEE 8th international conference on global software engineering …, 2013
Project management office: The state of the art based on a systematic review
JA Cunha, H Moura
European conference on management, leadership & governance, 41, 2014
An approach related to uncertainty in software projects
M Marinho, S Sampaio, H Moura
2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 894-899, 2013
Action notation transformations
HP de Moura
PQDT-Global, 1993
A guide to deal with uncertainties in software project management
MLM Marinho, SCB Sampaio, TLA Lima, HP Moura
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.1920, 2014
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Articles 1–20