Ludwig A. Th. Greif
Ludwig A. Th. Greif
TU Berlin (Alumni)
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Cited by
Terahertz lasing at room temperature: A numerical study of a vertical-emitting quantum cascade laser based on a quantum dot superlattice
A Mittelstädt, LAT Greif, ST Jagsch, A Schliwa
Physical Review B 103 (11), 115301, 2021
Tuning the emission directionality of stacked quantum dots
LAT Greif, ST Jagsch, MR Wagner, A Schliwa
ACS Photonics 5 (12), 4838-4845, 2018
Optical emission of GaN/AlN quantum-wires–the role of charge transfer from a nanowire template
J Müßener, LAT Greif, S Kalinowski, G Callsen, P Hille, J Schörmann, ...
Nanoscale 10 (12), 5591-5598, 2018
Efficient electronic structure calculations for extended systems of coupled quantum dots using a linear combination of quantum dot orbitals method
A Mittelstädt, LAT Greif, ST Jagsch, A Schliwa
Physical Review B 103 (11), 115302, 2021
Ground-state resonant two-photon transitions in wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots
ST Jagsch, LAT Greif, S Reitzenstein, A Schliwa
Physical Review B 99 (24), 245303, 2019
Emission directionality of electronic intraband transitions in stacked quantum dots
A Mittelstädt, LAT Greif, A Schliwa
Physical Review B 104 (11), 115309, 2021
Optical and Structural Properties of Nitride Based Nanostructures
F Bertram, C Berger, J Christen, H Eisele, LAT Greif, A Hoffmann, ...
Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models, and Devices, 135-201, 2020
Quantum dots and quantum wires and their usage in future optoelectronic devices in the framework of 8-band kp-theory
LAT Greif
TU Berlin, 2019
Twofold gain enhancement by elongation of QDs in polarization preserving QD-SOAs
LAT Greif, A Mittelstädt, ST Jagsch, A Schliwa
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2019
Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
AS Ludwig A. Th. Greif
EP Patent EP3,874,567, 2024
Optical semiconductor amplifier
L Greif, A Schliwa
US Patent App. 17/286,813, 2021
Room Temperature Lasing of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers Based on a Quantum Dot Superlattice
A Mittelstädt, LAT Greif, ST Jagsch, A Schliwa
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1912.03988, 2019
Twofold gain enhancement by elongation of QDs in polarization preserving QD-SOAs
A Ludwig, A Mittelstädt, ST Jagsch, A Schliwa
Tuning the Emission Directionality of Stacked Quantum Dots
A Ludwig, ST Jagsch, MR Wagner, A Schliwa
Optical Properties of GaN/AlN Quantum-Wires Grown on Nanowire Templates
J Müßener, A Ludwig, S Kalinowski, P Gordon Callsen, J Arbiol, ...
Supplementary Material for “Twofold Gain Enhancement by Elongation of QDs in Polarization Preserving QD-SOAs”
A Ludwig, A Mittelstädt, ST Jagsch, A Schliwa
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Articles 1–16