john Ashton
john Ashton
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Cited by
Economic impact of national sporting success: evidence from the London stock exchange
JK Ashton, B Gerrard, R Hudson
Applied Economics Letters 10 (12), 783-785, 2003
Cost efficiency in the UK water and sewerage industry
JK Ashton
Applied Economics Letters 7 (7), 455-458, 2000
Profiling potential green electricity tariff adopters: green consumerism as an environmental policy tool?
I Diaz‐Rainey, JK Ashton
Business Strategy and the Environment 20 (7), 456-470, 2011
Beyond Kyoto: advancing the international effort against climate change
JE Aldy, J Ashton, R Baron, D Bodansky, S Charnovitz, E Diringer, ...
Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 2003
Stuck between a ROC and a hard place? Barriers to the take up of green energy in the UK
I Diaz-Rainey, JK Ashton
Energy Policy 36 (8), 3053-3061, 2008
Equity and climate: in principle and practice
J Ashton, X Wang
Beyond Kyoto: Advancing the international effort against climate change 61, 65, 2003
Investment inefficiency and the adoption of eco-innovations: The case of household energy efficiency technologies
I Diaz-Rainey, JK Ashton
Energy Policy 82, 105-117, 2015
Do national soccer results really impact on the stock market?
JK Ashton, B Gerrard, R Hudson
Applied Economics 43 (26), 3709-3717, 2011
Earnings management and managerial ownership in private firms
S O’callaghan, J Ashton, L Hodgkinson
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 19 (4), 648-668, 2018
Total factor productivity growth and technical change in the water and sewerage industry
JK Ashton
The Service Industries Journal 20 (4), 121-130, 2000
Does mutual fund investment influence accounting fraud?
Y Wang, JK Ashton, A Jaafar
Emerging Markets Review 38, 142-158, 2019
Cost efficiency, economies of scale and economies of scope in the British retail banking sector
JK Ashton
Bournemouth University School of Finance and Law, 1998
Capital utilisation and scale in the English and Welsh water industry
JK Ashton
The Service Indsutries Journal 23 (5), 137-149, 2003
Cost efficiency characteristics of British retail banks
JK Ashton
Service Industries Journal 21 (2), 159-174, 2001
Board leadership structure for Chinese public listed companies
M Yu, JK Ashton
China Economic Review 34, 236-248, 2015
Interest rate clustering in UK financial services markets
JK Ashton, RS Hudson
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (7), 1393-1403, 2008
Money shouts! How effective are punishments for accounting fraud?
Y Wang, JK Ashton, A Jaafar
The British Accounting Review 51 (5), 100824, 2019
Efficiency and price effects of horizontal bank mergers
JK Ashton, K Pham
CCP working paper, 2007
Product innovation and consumer choice in the UK financial services industry
LA Costanzo, JK Ashton
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 14 (3), 285-303, 2006
The differential returns offered by mutually owned and proprietary UK depository institutions: 1993–2000
JK Ashton, S Letza
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 74 (2), 183-204, 2003
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Articles 1–20