Shannon Ang
Cited by
Cited by
Marriage and union formation in the United States: Recent trends across racial groups and economic backgrounds
D Bloome, S Ang
Demography 57 (5), 1753-1786, 2020
Association of received social support with depressive symptoms among older males and females in Singapore: Is personal mastery an inconsistent mediator?
S Ang, R Malhotra
Social science & medicine 153, 165-173, 2016
Life course social connectedness: Age-cohort trends in social participation
S Ang
Advances in Life Course Research 39, 13-22, 2019
Social participation and health over the adult life course: Does the association strengthen with age?
S Ang
Social Science & Medicine 206, 51-59, 2018
Social participation and mortality among older adults in Singapore: does ethnicity explain gender differences?
S Ang
The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2016
Normative values of hand grip strength for elderly Singaporeans aged 60 to 89 years: a cross-sectional study
R Malhotra, S Ang, JC Allen, NC Tan, T Østbye, Y Saito, A Chan
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 17 (9), 864. e1-864. e7, 2016
Health-related difficulty in internet use among older adults: correlates and mediation of its association with quality of life through social support networks
S Ang, E Lim, R Malhotra
The gerontologist 61 (5), 693-702, 2021
Going online to stay connected: Online social participation buffers the relationship between pain and depression
S Ang, TY Chen
The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2018
Expressive social support buffers the impact of care-related work interruptions on caregivers’ depressive symptoms
S Ang, R Malhotra
Aging & Mental Health 22 (6), 755-763, 2018
Cohort profile: Panel on health and ageing of Singaporean elderly (PHASE)
A Chan, Y Saito, DB Matchar, T Østbye, C Malhotra, S Ang, S Ma, ...
International Journal of Epidemiology 48 (6), 1750-1751f, 2019
Women’s work-family histories and cognitive performance in later life
E Ice, S Ang, K Greenberg, S Burgard
American Journal of Epidemiology 189 (9), 922-930, 2020
Family reciprocity of older Singaporeans
L Verbrugge, S Ang
European Journal of Ageing, 1-13, 2018
The filial piety paradox: Receiving social support from children can be negatively associated with quality of life
S Ang, R Malhotra
Social Science & Medicine 303, 114996, 2022
How Social Participation Benefits the Chronically Ill: Self-Management as a Mediating Pathway
S Ang
Journal of Aging and Health 31 (7), 1134-1154, 2019
Trajectories of Union Transition in Emerging Adulthood: Socioeconomic Status and Race/Ethnicity Differences in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 Cohort
Y Zhang, S Ang
Journal of Marriage and Family, 2020
Changing relationships between social contact, social support, and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Ang
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 77 (9), 1732-1739, 2022
Your friends, my friends, and our family: Informal social participation and mental health through the lens of linked lives
S Ang
Social Science & Medicine 276, 113848, 2021
Older adults with functional limitations and their use of telehealth during COVID-19
YK Kim, S Ang
Research on Aging 45 (9-10), 609-619, 2023
Internet use and cohort change in social connectedness among older adults
S Ang
Advances in Life Course Research 54, 100514, 2022
Fear of crime is associated with loneliness among older adults in Singapore: Gender and ethnic differences
JML Lee, S Ang, A Chan
Health & Social Care in the Community, 2020
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Articles 1–20