Nerea Toledo
Nerea Toledo
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Cited by
Toward an SDN-enabled NFV architecture
J Matias, J Garay, N Toledo, J Unzilla, E Jacob
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (4), 187-193, 2015
FlowNAC: Flow-based network access control
J Matias, J Garay, A Mendiola, N Toledo, E Jacob
2014 third European workshop on software defined networks, 79-84, 2014
Artificial intelligence enabled project management: a systematic literature review
I Taboada, A Daneshpajouh, N Toledo, T de Vass
Applied Sciences 13 (8), 5014, 2023
Implementing layer 2 network virtualization using OpenFlow: Challenges and solutions
J Matias, B Tornero, A Mendiola, E Jacob, N Toledo
2012 European Workshop on Software Defined Networking, 30-35, 2012
Towards neutrality in access networks: A NANDO deployment with OpenFlow
J Matias, E Jacob, N Toledo, J Astorga
International Conference on Access Networks (ACCESS), 7-12, 2011
The EHU-OEF: an OpenFlow-based layer-2 experimental facility
J Matias, A Mendiola, N Toledo, B Tornero, E Jacob
Computer Networks 63, 101-127, 2014
A high performance link layer mobility management strategy for professional private broadband networks
J Astorga, M Aguado, N Toledo, M Higuero
Journal of network and computer applications 36 (4), 1152-1163, 2013
Artificial Intelligence for next generation cybersecurity: The AI4CYBER framework
E Iturbe, E Rios, A Rego, N Toledo
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability …, 2023
An adaptable train-to-ground communication architecture based on the 5G technological enabler SDN
D Franco, M Aguado, N Toledo
Electronics 8 (6), 660, 2019
Performance enhancement of high-availability seamless redundancy (HSR) networks using OpenFlow
E Molina, E Jacob, N Toledo, A Astarloa
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (2), 364-367, 2015
The cross layer RMPA handover: a reliable mobility pattern aware handover strategy for broadband wireless communication in a high-speed railway domain
M Aguado, E Jacob, J Astorga, N Toledo, M Berbineau
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 1-29, 2012
Simulation framework for performance evaluation of broadband communication architectures for next generation railway communication services
M Aguado, E Jacob, M Berbineau, J Astorga, N Toledo
2009 9th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems …, 2009
Scanning on handover enhancement issues in video application deployments on WiMAX mobile networks
M Aguado, E Jacob, P Saiz, J Matias, M Higuero, N Toledo, M Berbineau
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and …, 2008
An architecture for dynamic QoS management at Layer 2 for DOCSIS access networks using OpenFlow
A Mendiola, V Fuentes, J Matias, J Astorga, N Toledo, E Jacob, M Huarte
Computer Networks 94, 112-128, 2016
Analytical evaluation of a HIP registration enhancement for NEMO scenarios
N Toledo, M Higuero, E Jacob, J Matias
IEEE communications letters 15 (5), 587-589, 2011
A novel architecture for secure, always-best connected ship-shore communications
N Toledo, M Higuero, E Jacob, M Aguado
2009 9th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems …, 2009
A proposal to contribute to ITS standardization activity: A valuable network mobility management approach
N Toledo, M Higuero, M Huarte, J Matias, E Jacob, JJ Unzilla
Computer Standards & Interfaces 36 (3), 465-479, 2014
Securing access to next generation IP-enabled pacemakers and ICDs using Ladon
J Astorga, JC Astorga, E Jacob, N Toledo, M Higuero
Journal of ambient intelligence and smart environments 6 (2), 157-177, 2014
Design and formal security evaluation of NeMHIP: a new secure and efficient network mobility management protocol based on the Host Identity Protocol
N Toledo, M Higuero, J Astorga, M Aguado, JM Bonnin
Computers & security 32, 1-18, 2013
A framework for vulnerability detection in European train control railway communications
I Arsuaga, N Toledo, I Lopez, M Aguado
Security and Communication Networks 2018 (1), 5634181, 2018
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Articles 1–20