Gaetana Spedalieri
Cited by
Cited by
High-rate measurement-device-independent quantum cryptography
S Pirandola, C Ottaviani, G Spedalieri, C Weedbrook, SL Braunstein, ...
Nature Photonics 9 (6), 397-402, 2015
Theory of channel simulation and bounds for private communication
S Pirandola, SL Braunstein, R Laurenza, C Ottaviani, TPW Cope, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (3), 035009, 2018
Optimality of Gaussian discord
S Pirandola, G Spedalieri, SL Braunstein, NJ Cerf, S Lloyd
Physical review letters 113 (14), 140405, 2014
Continuous-variable quantum cryptography with an untrusted relay: Detailed security analysis of the symmetric configuration
C Ottaviani, G Spedalieri, SL Braunstein, S Pirandola
Physical Review A 91 (2), 022320, 2015
Quantum illumination with a generic Gaussian source
A Karsa, G Spedalieri, Q Zhuang, S Pirandola
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023414, 2020
Reply to'Discrete and continuous variables for measurement-device-independent quantum cryptography'
S Pirandola, C Ottaviani, G Spedalieri, C Weedbrook, SL Braunstein, ...
Nature Photonics 9 (12), 773-775, 2015
Channel simulation in quantum metrology
R Laurenza, C Lupo, G Spedalieri, SL Braunstein, S Pirandola
Quantum Measurements and Quantum Metrology 5 (1), 1-12, 2018
Covariance matrices under Bell-like detections
G Spedalieri, C Ottaviani, S Pirandola
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 20 (02), 1350011, 2013
Quantum reading under a local energy constraint
G Spedalieri, C Lupo, S Mancini, SL Braunstein, S Pirandola
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 012315, 2012
Asymmetric quantum hypothesis testing with Gaussian states
G Spedalieri, SL Braunstein
Physical Review A 90 (5), 052307, 2014
A limit formula for the quantum fidelity
G Spedalieri, C Weedbrook, S Pirandola
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (2), 025304, 2012
Quantum illumination and quantum radar: A brief overview
A Karsa, A Fletcher, G Spedalieri, S Pirandola
Reports on progress in physics 87 (9), 094001, 2024
Secret key capacity of the thermal-loss channel: improving the lower bound
C Ottaviani, R Laurenza, TPW Cope, G Spedalieri, SL Braunstein, ...
Quantum Information Science and Technology II 9996, 16-25, 2016
Cryptographic aspects of quantum reading
G Spedalieri
Entropy 17 (4), 2218-2227, 2015
Thermal quantum metrology in memoryless and correlated environments
G Spedalieri, C Lupo, SL Braunstein, S Pirandola
Quantum Science and Technology 4 (1), 015008, 2018
Detecting and tracking bacteria with quantum light
G Spedalieri, L Piersimoni, O Laurino, SL Braunstein, S Pirandola
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043260, 2020
Quantum cryptography with an ideal local relay
G Spedalieri, C Ottaviani, SL Braunstein, T Gehring, CS Jacobsen, ...
Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications XII; and …, 2015
Optimal squeezing for quantum target detection
G Spedalieri, S Pirandola
Physical Review Research 3 (4), L042039, 2021
Environment-assisted bosonic quantum communications
S Pirandola, C Ottaviani, CS Jacobsen, G Spedalieri, SL Braunstein, ...
npj Quantum Information 7 (1), 77, 2021
Performance of coherent‐state quantum target detection in the context of asymmetric hypothesis testing
G Spedalieri, S Pirandola
IET Quantum Communication 3 (2), 112-117, 2022
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Articles 1–20