Hafeez Osman
Hafeez Osman
Senior Lecturer / Assistant Professor
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Cited by
Novel multi security and privacy benchmarking framework for blockchain-based IoT healthcare industry 4.0 systems
S Qahtan, KY Sharif, AA Zaidan, HA AlSattar, OS Albahri, BB Zaidan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (9), 6415-6423, 2022
Uncertainty in machine learning: A safety perspective on autonomous driving
S Shafaei, S Kugele, MH Osman, A Knoll
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: SAFECOMP 2018 Workshops, ASSURE …, 2018
Condensing class diagrams by analyzing design and network metrics using optimistic classification
F Thung, D Lo, MH Osman, MRV Chaudron
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Program Comprehension …, 2014
Ambiguous software requirement specification detection: An automated approach
MH Osman, MF Zaharin
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering …, 2018
An analysis of machine learning algorithms for condensing reverse engineered class diagrams
MH Osman, MRV Chaudron, P Van Der Putten
2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 140-149, 2013
Review of healthcare industry 4.0 application-based blockchain in terms of security and privacy development attributes: Comprehensive taxonomy, open issues and challenges and …
S Qahtan, K Yatim, H Zulzalil, MH Osman, AA Zaidan, HA Alsattar
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 209, 103529, 2023
Automatic classification of UML class diagrams from images
T Ho-Quang, MRV Chaudron, I Samúelsson, J Hjaltason, B Karasneh, ...
2014 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference 1, 399-406, 2014
Learning a classifier for prediction of maintainability based on static analysis tools
M Schnappinger, MH Osman, A Pretschner, A Fietzke
2019 IEEE/ACM 27th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC …, 2019
An automated approach for classifying reverse-engineered and forward-engineered UML class diagrams
MH Osman, T Ho-Quang, M Chaudron
2018 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2018
UML Usage in Open Source Software Development: A Field Study.
MH Osman, MRV Chaudron
EESSMod@ MoDELS, 23-32, 2013
From monolith to microservice: measuring architecture maintainability
MH Hasan, MH Osman, IA Novia, MS Muhammad
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 14 (5), 2023
Software quality assessment in practice: a hypothesis-driven framework
M Schnappinger, MH Osman, A Pretschner, M Pizka, A Fietzke
Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical …, 2018
UML class diagram simplification: What is in the developer's mind?
H Osman, A van Zadelhoff, DR Stikkolorum, MRV Chaudron
Proceedings of the second edition of the international workshop on …, 2012
Legacy systems to cloud migration: a review from the architectural perspective
MH Hasan, MH Osman, NI Admodisastro, MS Muhammad
Journal of Systems and Software 202, 111702, 2023
Performance evaluation metrics for multi-objective evolutionary algorithms in search-based software engineering: Systematic literature review
JA Nuh, TW Koh, S Baharom, MH Osman, SN Kew
Applied Sciences 11 (7), 3117, 2021
Correctness and Completeness of CASE Tools in Reverse EngineeringSource Code into UML Model
H Osman, MRV Chaudron
GSTF Journal on Computing (JoC) 2 (1), 2012
Interactive scalable abstraction of reverse engineered UML class diagrams
MH Osman, MRV Chaudron, P Van Der Putten
2014 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference 1, 159-166, 2014
From Monolith to Microservices: A Semi-Automated Approach for Legacy to Modern Architecture Transition using Static Analysis
MH Osman, C Saadbouh, KY Sharif, N Admodisastro
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 13 (10), 2022
Run-time safety monitoring framework for AI-based systems: Automated driving cases
MH Osman, S Kugele, S Shafaei
2019 26th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 442-449, 2019
Monitoring Safety of Autonomous Vehicles with Crash Prediction Network
S Nair, S Shafaei, S Kugele, MH Osman, A Knoll
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Articles 1–20