Tian Guo
Cited by
Cited by
Robust online time series prediction with recurrent neural networks
T Guo, Z Xu, X Yao, H Chen, K Aberer, K Funaya
IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics(DSAA …, 2016
Exploring Interpretable LSTM Neural Networks over Multi-Variable Data
T Guo, T Lin, N Antulov-Fantulin
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2019, 2019
Hybrid neural networks for learning the trend in time series
T Guo, T Lin, K Aberer
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2273-2279, 2017
Bitcoin volatility forecasting with a glimpse into buy and sell orders
T Guo, A Bifet, N Antulov-Fantulin
2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 989-994, 2018
Predicting short-term Bitcoin price fluctuations from buy and sell orders
T Guo, N Antulov-Fantulin
ICDM , arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.04065, 2018
An interpretable LSTM neural network for autoregressive exogenous model
T Guo, T Lin, Y Lu
ICLR workshop track, 2018, 2018
Esg2risk: A deep learning framework from esg news to stock volatility prediction
T Guo, N Jamet, V Betrix, LA Piquet, E Hauptmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02527, 2020
An adaptive approach for online segmentation of multi-dimensional mobile data
T Guo, Z Yan, K Aberer
ACM SIGMOD MobiDE, 7-14, 2012
Efficient indexing and query processing of model-view sensor data in the cloud
T Guo, TG Papaioannou, K Aberer
Big Data Research 1, 52-65, 2014
Fast distributed correlation discovery over streaming time-series data
T Guo, S Sathe, K Aberer
ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 1161-1170, 2015
Multi-variable LSTM neural network for autoregressive exogenous model
T Guo, T Lin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06384, 2018
An experimental study of Bitcoin fluctuation using machine learning methods
T Guo, N Antulov-Fantulin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.04065, 2018
Data summarization with social contexts
H Zhuang, R Rahman, X Hu, T Guo, P Hui, K Aberer
ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 397-406, 2016
Sensing social media signals for cryptocurrency news
J Beck, R Huang, D Lindner, T Guo, Z Ce, D Helbing, N Antulov-Fantulin
Companion proceedings of the ACM Web Conference, 1051-1054, 2019
Model-view sensor data management in the cloud
T Guo, TG Papaioannou, K Aberer
2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 282-290, 2013
Temporal mixture ensemble models for probabilistic forecasting of intraday cryptocurrency volume
N Antulov-Fantulin, T Guo, F Lillo
Decisions in Economics and Finance 44 (2), 905-940, 2021
Low-dimensional statistical manifold embedding of directed graphs
T Funke, T Guo, A Lancic, N Antulov-Fantulin
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
Hybrid neural networks over time series for trend forecasting
T Lin, T Guo, K Aberer
IJCAI, 2017
Sigco: Mining significant correlations via a distributed real-time computation engine
T Guo, JP Calbimonte, H Zhuang, K Aberer
2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 747-756, 2015
ESG2Risk: A deep learning framework from ESG News to stock volatility prediction. arXiv 2020
T Guo, N Jamet, V Betrix, LA Piquet, E Hauptmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02527, 0
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Articles 1–20