Panagiotis Sfetsos
Panagiotis Sfetsos
Professor at the Department of Information and Electronic Systems, International University of
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An experimental investigation of personality types impact on pair effectiveness in pair programming
P Sfetsos, I Stamelos, L Angelis, I Deligiannis
Empirical Software Engineering 14, 187-226, 2009
Agile software development quality assurance
IG Stamelos, P Sfetsos
Igi Global, 2007
Empirical studies on quality in agile practices: A systematic literature review
P Sfetsos, I Stamelos
2010 Seventh International Conference on the Quality of Information and …, 2010
Investigating the extreme programming system–An empirical study
P Sfetsos, L Angelis, I Stamelos
Empirical Software Engineering 11, 269-301, 2006
Investigating the impact of personality types on communication and collaboration-viability in pair programming–an empirical study
P Sfetsos, I Stamelos, L Angelis, I Deligiannis
International conference on extreme programming and agile processes in …, 2006
Using bayesian belief networks to model software project management antipatterns
D Settas, S Bibi, P Sfetsos, I Stamelos, V Gerogiannis
Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management …, 2006
An empirical study on the reuse of third-party libraries in open-source software development
A Zaimi, A Ampatzoglou, N Triantafyllidou, A Chatzigeorgiou, A Mavridis, ...
Proceedings of the 7th Balkan Conference on Informatics Conference, 1-8, 2015
Integrating user-centered design practices into agile web development: A case study
P Sfetsos, L Angelis, I Stamelos, P Raptis
2016 7th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems …, 2016
A comparative study on the effectiveness of patterns in software libraries and standalone applications
P Sfetsos, A Ampatzoglou, A Chatzigeorgiou, I Deligiannis, I Stamelos
2014 9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and …, 2014
Investigating the impact of personality and temperament traits on pair programming: A controlled experiment replication
P Sfetsos, P Adamidis, L Angelis, I Stamelos, I Deligiannis
2012 eighth international conference on the quality of information and …, 2012
Agile software development quality assurance
P Sfetsos, IG Stamelos
Igi Global, 2007
Selecting refactorings: an option based approach
A Mavridis, A Ampatzoglou, I Stamelos, P Sfetsos, I Deligiannis
2012 Eighth International Conference on the Quality of Information and …, 2012
Evaluating the Extreme Programming System–An Empirical Study
P Sfetsos, L Angelis, I Stamelos, GL Bleris
Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering: 5th …, 2004
Improving quality by exploiting human dynamics in agile methods
P Sfetsos, I Stamelos
Agile Software Development Quality Assurance, 154-170, 2007
Prioritized test-driven reverse engineering process: A case study
P Sfetsos, L Angelis, I Stamelos
2015 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and …, 2015
Heterogeneous Personalities Perform Better in Pair Programming: The Results of a Replication Study.
P Sfetsos, P Adamidis, L Angelis, I Stamelos, I Deligiannis
Software Quality Professional 15 (4), 2013
Software quality and agile practices: A systematic literature review
P Sfetsos, I Stamelos
Software Quality Professional 14 (1), 15, 2011
Experimentally assessing a resource‐effective design for ODL environments
A Karoulis, P Sfetsos, I Stamelos, L Angelis, A Pombortsis
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 1 (4), 265-279, 2004
Formal experimentation for agile formal methods
P Sfetsos, I Stamelos
Proceedings of the 1st South-East European Wokshop on Formal Methods …, 2003
Foreword: Quality in agile methods
P Sfetsos
2012 Eighth International Conference on the Quality of Information and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20