Chayapol Moemeng
Chayapol Moemeng
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Cited by
Agent-based distributed data mining: A survey
C Moemeng, V Gorodetsky, Z Zuo, Y Yang, C Zhang
Data mining and multi-agent integration, 47-58, 2009
i-Analyst: An agent-based distributed data mining platform
C Moemeng, X Zhu, L Cao, C Jiahang
2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 1404-1406, 2010
F-TRADE 3.0: An agent-based integrated framework for data mining experiments
P Moemeng, L Cao, C Zhang
2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2008
Integrating workflow into agent-based distributed data mining systems
C Moemeng, X Zhu, L Cao
Agents and Data Mining Interaction: 6th International Workshop on Agents and …, 2010
Obtaining an optimal MAS configuration for agent-enhanced mining using constraint optimization
C Moemeng, C Wang, L Cao
Agents and Data Mining Interaction: 7th International Workshop on Agents and …, 2012
WI 2008
J Ahn, A Alasoud, Z Bachore, K Balog, D Beneventano, G Blosser, ...
IAT 2008
TM Abdelaziz, DF Adamatti, L Agussurja, P Barbini, A Batzios, A Bazzan, ...
WI-IAT Workshops 2008
L Cao, J Liu, V Gorodetsky, B Liu, P Moemeng, A Symeonidis, A Skowron, ...
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Articles 1–8