Yuhong Yan
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on service-oriented network virtualization toward convergence of networking and cloud computing
Q Duan, Y Yan, AV Vasilakos
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 9 (4), 373-392, 2012
An efficient syntactic web service composition algorithm based on the planning graph model
X Zheng, Y Yan
2008 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 691-699, 2008
Application of multiagent systems in project management
Y Yan, T Kuphal, J Bode
International Journal of production economics 68 (2), 185-197, 2000
A model-based approach for diagnosing fault in web service processes
Y Yan, P Dague, Y Pencolé, MO Cordier
International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR) 6 (1), 87-110, 2009
Putting labs online with Web services
Y Yan, Y Liang, X Du, H Saliah-Hassane, A Ghorbani
IT professional 8 (2), 27-34, 2006
Monitoring web service networks in a model-based approach
Y Yan, Y Pencolé, MO Cordier, A Grastien
Third European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS'05), 12 pp., 2005
Anytime QoS optimization over the PlanGraph for web service composition
Y Yan, M Chen, Y Yang
Proceedings of the 27th annual acm symposium on applied computing, 1968-1975, 2012
Modeling and diagnosing orchestratedweb service processes
Y Yan, P Dague
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), 51-59, 2007
Repair vs. recomposition for broken service compositions
Y Yan, P Poizat, L Zhao
Service-Oriented Computing: 8th International Conference, ICSOC 2010, San …, 2010
Anytime QoS-aware service composition over the GraphPlan
Y Yan, M Chen
Service oriented computing and applications 9 (1), 1-19, 2015
Qos-aware service composition for converged network-cloud service provisioning
J Huang, G Liu, Q Duan, Y Yan
2014 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 67-74, 2014
Converged network-cloud service composition with end-to-end performance guarantee
J Huang, Q Duan, S Guo, Y Yan, S Yu
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 6 (2), 545-557, 2015
Self-adaptive service composition through graphplan repair
Y Yan, P Poizat, L Zhao
2010 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 624-627, 2010
QoS-aware service composition over graphplan through graph reachability
M Chen, Y Yan
2014 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 544-551, 2014
Redundant service removal in QoS-aware service composition
M Chen, Y Yan
2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services, 431-439, 2012
A planning graph based algorithm for semantic web service composition
Y Yan, X Zheng
2008 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the Fifth IEEE …, 2008
Full solution indexing for top-k web service composition
J Li, Y Yan, D Lemire
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 11 (3), 521-533, 2016
Controlling remote instruments using web services for online experiment systems
Y Yan, Y Liang, X Du
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), 2005
Sensor placement and diagnosability analysis at design stage
Y Yan
National Research Council of Canada, NRC 47160, 2004, 2004
Constraint verification failure recovery in web service composition
T Laleh, J Paquet, S Mokhov, Y Yan
Future Generation Computer Systems 89, 387-401, 2018
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Articles 1–20