Anli Liu
Anli Liu
Associate Professor of Neurology, New York University
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Safety of transcranial direct current stimulation: evidence based update 2016
M Bikson, P Grossman, C Thomas, AL Zannou, J Jiang, T Adnan, ...
Brain stimulation 9 (5), 641-661, 2016
Measurements and models of electric fields in the in vivo human brain during transcranial electric stimulation
Y Huang, AA Liu, B Lafon, D Friedman, M Dayan, X Wang, M Bikson, ...
elife 6, e18834, 2017
Immediate neurophysiological effects of transcranial electrical stimulation
A Liu, M Vöröslakos, G Kronberg, S Henin, MR Krause, Y Huang, A Opitz, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 5092, 2018
Low frequency transcranial electrical stimulation does not entrain sleep rhythms measured by human intracranial recordings
B Lafon, S Henin, Y Huang, D Friedman, L Melloni, T Thesen, W Doyle, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1199, 2017
Learning hierarchical sequence representations across human cortex and hippocampus
S Henin, NB Turk-Browne, D Friedman, A Liu, P Dugan, A Flinker, ...
Science advances 7 (8), eabc4530, 2021
A case-controlled study of altered visual art production in Alzheimer's and FTLD
KP Rankin, AA Liu, S Howard, H Slama, CE Hou, K Shuster, BL Miller
Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 20 (1), 48-61, 2007
Exploring the efficacy of a 5-day course of transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) on depression and memory function in patients with well-controlled temporal lobe epilepsy
A Liu, A Bryant, A Jefferson, D Friedman, P Minhas, S Barnard, W Barr, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 55, 11-20, 2016
Sleep spindles promote the restructuring of memory representations in ventromedial prefrontal cortex through enhanced hippocampal–cortical functional connectivity
E Cowan, A Liu, S Henin, S Kothare, O Devinsky, L Davachi
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (9), 1909-1919, 2020
A cross-national comparison of the quality of clinical care using vignettes
JW Peabody, A Liu
Health Policy and Planning 22 (5), 294-302, 2007
A consensus statement on detection of hippocampal sharp wave ripples and differentiation from other fast oscillations
AA Liu, S Henin, S Abbaspoor, A Bragin, EA Buffalo, JS Farrell, DJ Foster, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 6000, 2022
Mesial temporal resection following long‐term ambulatory intracranial EEG monitoring with a direct brain‐responsive neurostimulation system
LJ Hirsch, EA Mirro, V Salanova, TC Witt, CN Drees, MG Brown, RW Lee, ...
Epilepsia 61 (3), 408-420, 2020
Transcranial magnetic stimulation for refractory focal status epilepticus in the intensive care unit
A Liu, T Pang, S Herman, A Pascual-Leone, A Rotenberg
Seizure 22 (10), 893-896, 2013
Closed-loop acoustic stimulation enhances sleep oscillations but not memory performance
S Henin, H Borges, A Shankar, C Sarac, L Melloni, D Friedman, A Flinker, ...
eneuro 6 (6), 2019
A deep learning approach for real-time detection of sleep spindles
PM Kulkarni, Z Xiao, EJ Robinson, AS Jami, J Zhang, H Zhou, SE Henin, ...
Journal of neural engineering 16 (3), 036004, 2019
A case study of an emerging visual artist with frontotemporal lobar degeneration and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
A Liu, K Werner, S Roy, JQ Trojanowski, U Morgan-Kane, BL Miller, ...
Emotions in Neurological Disease, 235-247, 2020
Spatiotemporal dynamics between interictal epileptiform discharges and ripples during associative memory processing
S Henin, A Shankar, H Borges, A Flinker, W Doyle, D Friedman, ...
Brain 144 (5), 1590-1602, 2021
Temporal lobe surgery and memory: Lessons, risks, and opportunities
K Bauman, O Devinsky, AA Liu
Epilepsy & Behavior 101, 106596, 2019
Arterial spin labeling and altered cerebral blood flow patterns in the minimally conscious state
AA Liu, HU Voss, JP Dyke, LA Heier, ND Schiff
Neurology 77 (16), 1518-1523, 2011
Gemcitabine induced myositis in patients with pancreatic cancer: case reports and topic review
E Pentsova, A Liu, M Rosenblum, E O’Reilly, X Chen, A Hormigo
Journal of neuro-oncology 106, 15-21, 2012
Correction: Measurements and models of electric fields in the in vivo human brain during transcranial electric stimulation
Y Huang, AA Liu, B Lafon, D Friedman, M Dayan, X Wang, M Bikson, ...
elife 7, e35178, 2018
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Articles 1–20