Theresa Glomb
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Cited by
Contemplating mindfulness at work: An integrative review
DJ Good, CJ Lyddy, TM Glomb, JE Bono, KW Brown, MK Duffy, RA Baer, ...
Journal of management 42 (1), 114-142, 2016
Mindfulness at work
TM Glomb, MK Duffy, JE Bono, T Yang
Research in personnel and human resources management, 115-157, 2011
Emotional labor: A conceptualization and scale development
TM Glomb, MJ Tews
Journal of Vocational Behavior 64 (1), 1-23, 2004
Interpersonal aggression in work groups: Social influence, reciprocal, and individual effects
TM Glomb, H Liao
Academy of Management journal 46 (4), 486-496, 2003
Building positive resources: Effects of positive events and positive reflection on work stress and health
JE Bono, TM Glomb, W Shen, E Kim, AJ Koch
Academy of Management Journal 56 (6), 1601-1627, 2013
Job-search persistence during unemployment: a 10-wave longitudinal study.
CR Wanberg, TM Glomb, Z Song, S Sorenson
Journal of applied psychology 90 (3), 411, 2005
Workplace anger and aggression: Informing conceptual models with data from specific encounters.
TM Glomb
Journal of occupational health psychology 7 (1), 20, 2002
Experience sampling mood and its correlates at work
A G Miner, T M Glomb, C Hulin
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 78 (2), 171-193, 2005
Ambient sexual harassment: An integrated model of antecedents and consequences
TM Glomb, WL Richman, CL Hulin, F Drasgow, KT Schneider, ...
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 71 (3), 309-328, 1997
The role of temporal shifts in turnover processes: it's about time.
JD Kammeyer-Mueller, CR Wanberg, TM Glomb, D Ahlburg
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (4), 644, 2005
Emotional labor demands and compensating wage differentials.
TM Glomb, JD Kammeyer-Mueller, M Rotundo
Journal of applied psychology 89 (4), 700, 2004
Doing good, feeling good: Examining the role of organizational citizenship behaviors in changing mood
TM Glomb, DP Bhave, AG Miner, M Wall
Personnel Psychology 64 (1), 191-223, 2011
Victimization of high performers: The roles of envy and work group identification.
E Kim, TM Glomb
Journal of applied psychology 99 (4), 619, 2014
Structural equation models of sexual harassment: Longitudinal explorations and cross-sectional generalizations.
TM Glomb, LJ Munson, CL Hulin, ME Bergman, F Drasgow
Journal of Applied Psychology 84 (1), 14, 1999
Employer‐supported volunteering benefits: Gift exchange among employers, employees, and volunteer organizations
JE Booth, KW Park, TM Glomb
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2009
State mood, task performance, and behavior at work: A within-persons approach
AG Miner, TM Glomb
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 112 (1), 43-57, 2010
Test of the cross-cultural generalizability of a model of sexual harassment.
SA Wasti, ME Bergman, TM Glomb, F Drasgow
Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (5), 766, 2000
The role of occupational emotional labor requirements on the surface acting–job satisfaction relationship
DP Bhave, TM Glomb
Journal of Management 42 (3), 722-741, 2016
Anger and gender effects in observed supervisor-subordinate dyadic interactions
TM Glomb, CL Hulin
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 72 (3), 281-307, 1997
Work–family conflict in work groups: Social information processing, support, and demographic dissimilarity.
DP Bhave, A Kramer, TM Glomb
Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (1), 145, 2010
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Articles 1–20