Dr. Ganesh Ch. Banik
Dr. Ganesh Ch. Banik
Associate Professor, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya
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Arsenic chemistry in groundwater in the Bengal Delta Plain: Implications in agricultural system
K Ghosh, I Das, S Saha, GC Banik, S Ghosh, NC Maji, SK Sanyal
J. Indian Chem. Soc 81 (12), 1063-1072, 2004
Effect of sulphur levels and sources on growth, yield and quality of mustard in terai region of West Bengal, India
S Rakesh, GC Banik
Annals of Plant and Soil Research 18, 152-155, 2016
Available micronutrient status in relation to soil properties in some villages under four agro-climatic features of West Bengal
SK Ray, GC Banik
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 64 (2), 169-175, 2016
A study on chromium-humic complexation: Part 1. Characterisation of humic Substances
GC Banik, SK Sanyal
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 54 (2), 163-169, 2006
Effect of foliar application of secondary and micronutrients on quality of potato
RCGB Eggadi Ramesh, J C Jana
International Journal of Chemical Studies 7 (1), 2189-2192, 2019
Effect of sulphur fertilization on different forms of sulphur under mustard cultivation in an acid soil of terai region of West Bengal
S Rakes, GC Banik, A Ghosh, D Sarkar
Research on Crops 17 (2), 248-252, 2016
Spatial Variation of Potassium Quantity/Intensity Relationships and Buffering Capacity of Some Entisols of the Himalayan Floodplain.
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 67 (3), 321-328, 2019
Evaluation of inorganic fractions of arsenic in relation to soil properties in affected areas of West Bengal, India
GC Banik, SK Sanyal
Current Science, 1371-1377, 2016
Plans and Policies Towards the Input Use Efficiency for Food and Environmental Security
GCBD Mukhopadhyay
Input Use Efficiency for Food and Environmental Security 1, 541-566, 2021
Effect of farmyard manure and boron on cauliflower productivity in an acidic Entisol of Eastern Himalayan flood plains
S Mandal, GC Banik, R Chatterjee, D Mukhopadhyay, MK Debnath
Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2022
Effect of foliar application of secondary and micronutrients on growth and yield of potato
RCGCB Eggadi Ramesh, JC Jana
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (2), 656-660, 2019
Biosensor: Potential and scope in agriculture
SMGC Banik
Chemical Science Review and Letters 10 (37), 116-122, 2021
Distribution of Different Forms of Potassium in Relation to Soil Properties in Agricultural Entisols of Terai Region of West Bengal, India
GCBDM N.K. Singh
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 12 (8 …, 2019
Effect of phosphorus and vermicompost on zinc availability in an acidic laterite soil of West Bengal, India
GC Banik, S Samat
International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology 5 (4), 1903-1911, 2016
Distribution of available boron in some soils of Cooch Behar district of West Bengal.
B Paramanik, AK Saha, GC Banik
A study on chromium-humic complexation; Part 2. Complexation equilibria of chromium-humic/fulvic complexes
GCBSK Sanyal
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 54, 170-173, 2006
Mapping tree carbon density using sentinel 2A sensor on Google Earth Engine in Darjeeling Himalayas: Implication for tree carbon management and climate change mitigation
M Singh, A Arshad, A Bijlwan, M Tamang, NN Shahina, A Biswas, ...
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 134, 103569, 2024
Impact of zinc and biofertilizers on nitrogen use efficiency in summer rice in acidic terai soil of West Bengal
GCB Jhutan Debnath
Annals of Plant and Soil Research 25 (2), 310-316, 2023
Arsenic Toxicity in Water-Soil-Plant System An Alarming Scenario and Possibility of Bioremediation
AH G C Banik, S Deb, S Khalko, A Choudhury, P Panda
Bioremediation Science From Theory to Practice 1, 239-250, 2021
Release of Non-Exchangeable Potassium in Some Acidic Terai Soils of Himalayan Floodplain
AP N. K.Singh, G. C. Banik, D. Mukhopadhyay
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 68 (3), 308-315, 2020
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Articles 1–20