Emilio Luque
Emilio Luque
Catedrático Emérito (UAB)
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Adaptive scheduling for master-worker applications on the computational grid
E Heymann, MA Senar, E Luque, M Livny
International Workshop on Grid Computing, 214-227, 2000
Optimization of healthcare emergency departments by agent-based simulation
E Cabrera, M Taboada, ML Iglesias, F Epelde, E Luque
Procedia computer science 4, 1880-1889, 2011
Simulation optimization for healthcare emergency departments
E Cabrera, M Taboada, ML Iglesias, F Epelde, E Luque
Procedia computer science 9, 1464-1473, 2012
An agent-based decision support system for hospitals emergency departments
M Taboada, E Cabrera, ML Iglesias, F Epelde, E Luque
Procedia Computer Science 4, 1870-1879, 2011
Towards an agent-based simulation of hospital emergency departments
H Stainsby, M Taboada, E Luque
2009 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 536-539, 2009
A simulation and optimization based method for calibrating agent-based emergency department models under data scarcity
Z Liu, D Rexachs, F Epelde, E Luque
Computers & Industrial Engineering 103, 300-309, 2017
Wildland fire growth prediction method based on multiple overlapping solution
G Bianchini, M Denham, A Cortés, T Margalef, E Luque
Journal of Computational Science 1 (4), 229-237, 2010
Applying a dynamic data driven genetic algorithm to improve forest fire spread prediction
M Denham, A Cortés, T Margalef, E Luque
International Conference on Computational Science, 36-45, 2008
Modeling master/worker applications for automatic performance tuning
E César, A Moreno, J Sorribes, E Luque
Parallel Computing 32 (7-8), 568-589, 2006
Parallel application signature for performance analysis and prediction
A Wong, D Rexachs, E Luque
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (7), 2009-2019, 2014
Automatic performance evaluation of parallel programs
A Espinosa, T Margalef, E Luque
Proceedings of the Sixth Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed …, 1998
Using an agent-based simulation for predicting the effects of patients derivation policies in emergency departments
M Taboada, E Cabrera, F Epelde, ML Iglesias, E Luque
Procedia Computer Science 18, 641-650, 2013
A new method to make communication latency uniform: distributed routing balancing
D Franco, I Garcés, E Luque
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Supercomputing, 210-219, 1999
A distributed diffusion method for dynamic load balancing on parallel computers
E Luque, A Ripoll, A Cortes, T Margalef
Proceedings Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 43-50, 1995
An agent-based model for quantitatively analyzing and predicting the complex behavior of emergency departments
Z Liu, D Rexachs, F Epelde, E Luque
Journal of computational science 21, 11-23, 2017
ABMS optimization for emergency departments
E Cabrera, E Luque, M Taboada, F Epelde, ML Iglesias
Proceedings of the 2012 winter simulation conference (WSC), 1-12, 2012
Enhancing wildland fire prediction on cluster systems applying evolutionary optimization techniques
B Abdalhaq, A Cortés, T Margalef, E Luque
Future Generation Computer Systems 21 (1), 61-67, 2005
Clustering and reassignment-based mapping strategy for message-passing architectures
MA Senar, A Ripoll, A Cortés, E Luque
Journal of systems architecture 48 (8-10), 267-283, 2003
A hybrid simulation model to test behaviour designs in an emergency evacuation
PC Tissera, AM Printista, E Luque
Procedia Computer Science 9, 266-275, 2012
Performance comparison of dynamic load-balancing strategies for distributed computing
A Cortes, A Ripoll, MA Senar, E Luque
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems …, 1999
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Articles 1–20