Thomas Knauth
Thomas Knauth
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{SCONE}: Secure linux containers with intel {SGX}
S Arnautov, B Trach, F Gregor, T Knauth, A Martin, C Priebe, J Lind, ...
12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI …, 2016
Integrating remote attestation with transport layer security
T Knauth, M Steiner, S Chakrabarti, L Lei, C Xing, M Vij
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.05863, 2018
Pesos policy enhanced secure object store
R Krahn, B Trach, A Vahldiek-Oberwagner, T Knauth, P Bhatotia, C Fetzer
Proceedings of the Thirteenth EuroSys Conference, 1-17, 2018
Scalable and low-latency data processing with stream mapreduce
A Brito, A Martin, T Knauth, S Creutz, D Becker, S Weigert, C Fetzer
2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2011
Acctee: A webassembly-based two-way sandbox for trusted resource accounting
D Goltzsche, M Nieke, T Knauth, R Kapitza
Proceedings of the 20th International Middleware Conference, 123-135, 2019
Energy-aware scheduling for infrastructure clouds
T Knauth, C Fetzer
4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2012
Scaling non-elastic applications using virtual machines
T Knauth, C Fetzer
2011 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 468-475, 2011
Low-overhead fault tolerance for high-throughput data processing systems
A Martin, T Knauth, S Creutz, D Becker, S Weigert, C Fetzer, A Brito
2011 31st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 689-699, 2011
Dreamserver: Truly on-demand cloud services
T Knauth, C Fetzer
Proceedings of International Conference on Systems and Storage, 1-11, 2014
Prospect: A compiler framework for speculative parallelization
M Süßkraut, T Knauth, S Weigert, U Schiffel, M Meinhold, C Fetzer
Proceedings of the 8th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code …, 2010
Technology For Establishing Trust During A Transport Layer Security Handshake
M Steiner, T Knauth, L Lei, B Xing, M Vij, S Chakrabarti
US Patent App. 16/174,337, 2019
Speculation for parallelizing runtime checks
M Süßkraut, S Weigert, U Schiffel, T Knauth, M Nowack, DB de Brum, ...
Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems: 11th …, 2009
Vecycle: Recycling vm checkpoints for faster migrations
T Knauth, C Fetzer
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Middleware Conference, 210-221, 2015
Assertion-driven development: Assessing the quality of contracts using meta-mutations
T Knauth, C Fetzer, P Felber
2009 International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and …, 2009
Trusted execution environment with intel sgx
S Chakrabarti, T Knauth, D Kuvaiskii, M Steiner, M Vij
Responsible Genomic Data Sharing, 161-190, 2020
Sloth: SDN-enabled activity-based virtual machine deployment
T Knauth, P Kiruvale, M Hiltunen, C Fetzer
Proceedings of the third workshop on Hot topics in software defined …, 2014
Powercass: Energy efficient, consistent hashing based storage for micro clouds based infrastructure
FL Tena, T Knauth, C Fetzer
2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 48-55, 2014
Fast Virtual Machine Resume for Agile Cloud Services.
T Knauth, C Fetzer
CGC, 127-134, 2013
dsync: Efficient Block-wise Synchronization of {Multi-Gigabyte} Binary Data
T Knauth, C Fetzer
27th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA 13), 45-58, 2013
ParaDIME: Parallel distributed infrastructure for minimization of energy for data centers
SK Rethinagiri, O Palomar, A Sobe, G Yalcin, T Knauth, RT Gil, P Prieto, ...
Microprocessors and microsystems 39 (8), 1174-1189, 2015
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Articles 1–20