Riccardo Cantini
Cited by
Cited by
Learning political polarization on social media using neural networks
L Belcastro, R Cantini, F Marozzo, D Talia, P Trunfio
IEEE access 8, 47177-47187, 2020
Programming big data analysis: principles and solutions
L Belcastro, R Cantini, F Marozzo, A Orsino, D Talia, P Trunfio
Journal of Big Data 9 (1), 1-50, 2022
Analyzing voter behavior on social media during the 2020 US presidential election campaign
L Belcastro, F Branda, R Cantini, F Marozzo, D Talia, P Trunfio
Social Network Analysis and Mining 12 (1), 83, 2022
Analyzing political polarization on social media by deleting bot spamming
R Cantini, F Marozzo, D Talia, P Trunfio
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6 (1), 3, 2022
Learning sentence-to-hashtags semantic mapping for hashtag recommendation on microblogs
R Cantini, F Marozzo, G Bruno, P Trunfio
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 16 (2), 1-26, 2021
Knowledge discovery from large amounts of social media data
L Belcastro, R Cantini, F Marozzo
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1209, 2022
Discovering political polarization on social media: A case study
L Belcastro, R Cantini, F Marozzo, D Talia, P Trunfio
2019 15th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG …, 2019
A weighted artificial bee colony algorithm for influence maximization
R Cantini, F Marozzo, S Mazza, D Talia, P Trunfio
Online Social Networks and Media 26, 100167, 2021
Block size estimation for data partitioning in HPC applications using machine learning techniques
R Cantini, F Marozzo, A Orsino, D Talia, P Trunfio, RM Badia, J Ejarque, ...
Journal of Big Data 11 (1), 19, 2024
Exploiting machine learning for improving in-memory execution of data-intensive workflows on parallel machines
R Cantini, F Marozzo, A Orsino, D Talia, P Trunfio
Future Internet 13 (5), 121, 2021
Unmasking COVID-19 false information on twitter: a topic-based approach with BERT
R Cantini, C Cosentino, I Kilanioti, F Marozzo, D Talia
International Conference on Discovery Science, 126-140, 2023
Detecting mental disorder on social media: a ChatGPT-augmented explainable approach
L Belcastro, R Cantini, F Marozzo, D Talia, P Trunfio
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.17477, 2024
Topic Detection and Tracking in Social Media Platforms
R Cantini, F Marozzo
Pervasive Knowledge and Collective Intelligence on Web and Social Media …, 2023
Are Large Language Models Really Bias-Free? Jailbreak Prompts for Assessing Adversarial Robustness to Bias Elicitation
R Cantini, G Cosenza, A Orsino, D Talia
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.08441, 2024
Programming Big Data Applications: Scalable Tools and Frameworks for Your Needs
D Talia, P Trunfio, F Marozzo, L Belcastro, R Cantini, A Orsino
Evaluating the performance of a multimodal speaker tracking system at the edge-to-cloud continuum
A Orsino, R Cantini, F Marozzo
Device-Edge-Cloud Continuum: Paradigms, Architectures and Applications, 155-166, 2023
Deep learning meets smart agriculture: using LSTM networks to handle anomalous and missing sensor data in the compute continuum
R Cantini, F Marozzo, A Orsino
Device-Edge-Cloud Continuum: Paradigms, Architectures and Applications, 141-153, 2023
Multi-dimensional Classification on Social Media Data for Detailed Reporting with Large Language Models
R Cantini, C Cosentino, F Marozzo
IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and …, 2024
Xai-driven knowledge distillation of large language models for efficient deployment on low-resource devices
R Cantini, A Orsino, D Talia
Journal of Big Data 11 (1), 63, 2024
A visual tool for reducing returns in e-commerce platforms
R Cantini, F Marozzo, A Orsino, M Passarelli, P Trunfio
2021 IEEE 6th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and …, 2021
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Articles 1–20