Erik Kjeang
Erik Kjeang
Simon Fraser University, Fuel Cell Research Laboratory (FCReL)
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Microfluidic fuel cells: A review
E Kjeang, N Djilali, D Sinton
Journal of Power Sources 186 (2), 353-369, 2009
A microfluidic fuel cell with flow-through porous electrodes
E Kjeang, R Michel, DA Harrington, N Djilali, D Sinton
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (12), 4000-4006, 2008
Membrane degradation during combined chemical and mechanical accelerated stress testing of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
C Lim, L Ghassemzadeh, F Van Hove, M Lauritzen, J Kolodziej, GG Wang, ...
Journal of Power Sources 257, 102-110, 2014
High-performance microfluidic vanadium redox fuel cell
E Kjeang, BT Proctor, AG Brolo, DA Harrington, N Djilali, D Sinton
Electrochimica Acta 52 (15), 4942-4946, 2007
Planar and three-dimensional microfluidic fuel cell architectures based on graphite rod electrodes
E Kjeang, J McKechnie, D Sinton, N Djilali
Journal of Power Sources 168 (2), 379-390, 2007
Hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant for microfluidic fuel cells
E Kjeang, AG Brolo, DA Harrington, N Djilali, D Sinton
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154 (12), B1220, 2007
Comparative life cycle assessment of hydrogen fuel cell passenger vehicles in different Canadian provinces
P Ahmadi, E Kjeang
International journal of hydrogen energy 40 (38), 12905-12917, 2015
Thermal analysis of air-cooled PEM fuel cells
S Shahsavari, A Desouza, M Bahrami, E Kjeang
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (23), 18261-18271, 2012
A comparative life cycle assessment of diesel and compressed natural gas powered refuse collection vehicles in a Canadian city
L Rose, M Hussain, S Ahmed, K Malek, R Costanzo, E Kjeang
Energy Policy 52, 453-461, 2013
An alkaline microfluidic fuel cell based on formate and hypochlorite bleach
E Kjeang, R Michel, DA Harrington, D Sinton, N Djilali
Electrochimica Acta 54 (2), 698-705, 2008
The importance of wetting in carbon paper electrodes for vanadium redox reactions
MA Goulet, M Skyllas-Kazacos, E Kjeang
Carbon 101, 390-398, 2016
Realistic simulation of fuel economy and life cycle metrics for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
P Ahmadi, E Kjeang
International Journal of Energy Research 41 (5), 714-727, 2017
Co-laminar flow cells for electrochemical energy conversion
MA Goulet, E Kjeang
Journal of Power Sources 260, 186-196, 2014
Mitigation of chemical membrane degradation in fuel cells: understanding the effect of cell voltage and iron ion redox cycle
KH Wong, E Kjeang
ChemSusChem 8 (6), 1072-1082, 2015
Mechanical degradation of fuel cell membranes under fatigue fracture tests
RMH Khorasany, AS Alavijeh, E Kjeang, GG Wang, R Rajapakse
Journal of Power Sources 274, 1208-1216, 2015
4D in situ visualization of electrode morphology changes during accelerated degradation in fuel cells by X-ray computed tomography
RT White, A Wu, M Najm, FP Orfino, M Dutta, E Kjeang
Journal of Power Sources 350, 94-102, 2017
Macroscopic in-situ modeling of chemical membrane degradation in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
KH Wong, E Kjeang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (9), F823, 2014
Computational modeling of microfluidic fuel cells with flow-through porous electrodes
D Krishnamurthy, EO Johansson, JW Lee, E Kjeang
Journal of Power Sources 196 (23), 10019-10031, 2011
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of catalyst coated membranes subjected to in situ hygrothermal fatigue
AS Alavijeh, RMH Khorasany, Z Nunn, A Habisch, M Lauritzen, E Rogers, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162 (14), F1461, 2015
Life cycle assessment of hydrogen and diesel dual-fuel class 8 heavy duty trucks
M El Hannach, P Ahmadi, L Guzman, S Pickup, E Kjeang
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (16), 8575-8584, 2019
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Articles 1–20