Takayuki Shimizu
Takayuki Shimizu
Senior Research Manager, Toyota Motor North America, R&D InfoTech Labs
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Cited by
Wireless Charging System Using Secure Wireless Charging Protocols
T Shimizu, A Yokoyama, A Kawakubo
US Patent App. 13/871,656, 2014
Securing vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication platforms
M Hasan, S Mohan, T Shimizu, H Lu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 5 (4), 693-713, 2020
Millimeter Wave Vehicular Communications: A Survey
V Va, T Shimizu, G Bansal, RW Heath Jr
Foundations and Trends® in Networking 10 (1), 2016
Inverse multipath fingerprinting for millimeter wave V2I beam alignment
V Va, J Choi, T Shimizu, G Bansal, RW Heath
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (5), 4042-4058, 2017
Beam design for beam switching based millimeter wave vehicle-to-infrastructure communications
V Va, T Shimizu, G Bansal, RW Heath
2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2016
Online learning for position-aided millimeter wave beam training
V Va, T Shimizu, G Bansal, RW Heath
IEEE Access 7, 30507-30526, 2019
Charging management based on demand response events
T Shimizu, A Yokoyama, A Kawakubo
US Patent 9,682,637, 2017
Physical-layer secret key agreement in two-way wireless relaying systems
T Shimizu, H Iwai, H Sasaoka
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 6 (3), 650-660, 2011
Towards mmWave V2X in 5G and beyond to support automated driving
K Sakaguchi, R Fukatsu, T Yu, E Fukuda, K Mahler, R Heath, T Fujii, ...
IEICE Transactions on Communications 104 (6), 587-603, 2021
Charge system to improve battery operational life
T Shimizu, A Yokoyama
US Patent App. 14/462,006, 2016
Position-aided millimeter wave V2I beam alignment: A learning-to-rank approach
V Va, T Shimizu, G Bansal, RW Heath
2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2017
Millimeter wave V2X communications: Use cases and design considerations of beam management
T Shimizu, V Va, G Bansal, RW Heath
2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 183-185, 2018
Path loss models for V2V mmWave communication: Performance evaluation and open challenges
M Giordani, T Shimizu, A Zanella, T Higuchi, O Altintas, M Zorzi
2019 IEEE 2nd Connected and Automated Vehicles Symposium (CAVS), 1-5, 2019
End-to-end V2X latency modeling and analysis in 5G networks
B Coll-Perales, MC Lucas-Estañ, T Shimizu, J Gozalvez, T Higuchi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (4), 5094-5109, 2022
Comparative analysis of DSRC and LTE-V2X PC5 mode 4 with SAE congestion control
T Shimizu, B Cheng, H Lu, J Kenney
2020 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 1-8, 2020
Wideband channel tracking and hybrid precoding for mmWave MIMO systems
N González-Prelcic, H Xie, J Palacios, T Shimizu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (4), 2161-2174, 2020
Performance and scaling of collaborative sensing and networking for automated driving applications
Y Wang, G De Veciana, T Shimizu, H Lu
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC …, 2018
A study of the effectiveness of message content, length, and rate control for improving map accuracy in automated driving systems
SMO Gani, YP Fallah, G Bansal, T Shimizu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (2), 405-420, 2018
A hybrid beamforming design for massive MIMO LEO satellite communications
J Palacios, N González-Prelcic, C Mosquera, T Shimizu, CH Wang
Frontiers in Space Technologies 2, 696464, 2021
An analytical latency model and evaluation of the capacity of 5G NR to support V2X services using V2N2V communications
MC Lucas-Estañ, B Coll-Perales, T Shimizu, J Gozalvez, T Higuchi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (2), 2293-2306, 2022
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Articles 1–20