Jarmo Ritari
Jarmo Ritari
Finnish Red Cross Blood Service
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Cited by
Comparative genomic analysis of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG reveals pili containing a human-mucus binding protein
M Kankainen, L Paulin, S Tynkkynen, I von Ossowski, J Reunanen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (40), 17193-17198, 2009
Expanding the biotechnology potential of lactobacilli through comparative genomics of 213 strains and associated genera
Z Sun, HMB Harris, A McCann, C Guo, S Argimón, W Zhang, X Yang, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8322, 2015
Effects of bowel cleansing on the intestinal microbiota
J Jalanka, A Salonen, J Salojärvi, J Ritari, O Immonen, L Marciani, ...
Gut 64 (10), 1562-1568, 2015
Production of butyrate from lysine and the Amadori product fructoselysine by a human gut commensal
TPN Bui, J Ritari, S Boeren, P De Waard, CM Plugge, WM De Vos
Nature communications 6 (1), 1-10, 2015
Comparative Genomic and Functional Analysis of 100 Lactobacillus rhamnosus Strains and Their Comparison with Strain GG
FP Douillard, A Ribbera, R Kant, TE Pietilä, HM Järvinen, M Messing, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (8), e1003683, 2013
Improved taxonomic assignment of human intestinal 16S rRNA sequences by a dedicated reference database
J Ritari, J Salojärvi, L Lahti, WM de Vos
BMC genomics 16, 1-10, 2015
Comparative genomics and physiology of the butyrate‐producing bacterium Intestinimonas butyriciproducens
TPN Bui, SA Shetty, I Lagkouvardos, J Ritari, B Chamlagain, FP Douillard, ...
Environmental microbiology reports 8 (6), 1024-1037, 2016
Identification and validation of human papillomavirus encoded microRNAs
K Qian, T Pietilä, M Rönty, F Michon, MJ Frilander, J Ritari, J Tarkkanen, ...
PLoS One 8 (7), e70202, 2013
Faecal metaproteomic analysis reveals a personalized and stable functional microbiome and limited effects of a probiotic intervention in adults
CA Kolmeder, J Salojärvi, J Ritari, M De Been, J Raes, G Falony, ...
PloS one 11 (4), e0153294, 2016
A comparative and functional genomics analysis of the genus Romboutsia provides insight into adaptation to an intestinal lifestyle
J Gerritsen, B Hornung, J Ritari, L Paulin, GT Rijkers, PJ Schaap, ...
BioRxiv, 845511, 2019
Colonic metaproteomic signatures of active bacteria and the host in obesity
CA Kolmeder, J Ritari, FJ Verdam, T Muth, S Keskitalo, M Varjosalo, ...
Proteomics 15 (20), 3544-3552, 2015
The Variable Regions of Lactobacillus rhamnosus Genomes Reveal the Dynamic Evolution of Metabolic and Host-Adaptation Repertoires
C Ceapa, M Davids, J Ritari, J Lambert, M Wels, FP Douillard, T Smokvina, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 8 (6), 1889-1905, 2016
Genetic risk factors associated with preeclampsia and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
JS Tyrmi, T Kaartokallio, AI Lokki, T Jääskeläinen, E Kortelainen, ...
JAMA cardiology 8 (7), 674-683, 2023
Molecular analysis of meso-and thermophilic microbiota associated with anaerobic biowaste degradation
J Ritari, K Koskinen, J Hultman, JM Kurola, M Kymäläinen, ...
BMC microbiology 12, 1-14, 2012
An inducible operon is involved in inulin utilization in Lactobacillus plantarum strains, as revealed by comparative proteogenomics and metabolic profiling
N Buntin, T Hongpattarakere, J Ritari, FP Douillard, L Paulin, S Boeren, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 83 (2), e02402-16, 2017
Increasing accuracy of HLA imputation by a population-specific reference panel in a FinnGen biobank cohort
J Ritari, K Hyvärinen, J Clancy, FinnGen, J Partanen, S Koskela
NAR genomics and bioinformatics 2 (2), lqaa030, 2020
Romboutsia hominis sp. nov., the first human gut-derived representative of the genus Romboutsia, isolated from ileostoma effluent
J Gerritsen, A Umanets, I Staneva, B Hornung, J Ritari, L Paulin, ...
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 68 (11 …, 2018
Universal ligation-detection-reaction microarray applied for compost microbes
J Hultman, J Ritari, M Romantschuk, L Paulin, P Auvinen
Bmc Microbiology 8, 1-15, 2008
Comparative genome analysis of Lactobacillus casei strains isolated from Actimel and Yakult products reveals marked similarities and points to a common origin
FP Douillard, R Kant, J Ritari, L Paulin, A Palva, WM De Vos
Microbial Biotechnology 6 (5), 576-587, 2013
Colonic mucosal microbiota and association of bacterial taxa with the expression of host antimicrobial peptides in pediatric ulcerative colitis
J Jalanka, J Cheng, K Hiippala, J Ritari, J Salojärvi, T Ruuska, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 21 (17), 6044, 2020
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Articles 1–20