Esther de Ves
Cited by
Cited by
Applying logistic regression to relevance feedback in image retrieval systems
T León, P Zuccarello, G Ayala, E de Ves, J Domingo
Pattern Recognition 40 (10), 2621-2632, 2007
Segmentation of macular fluorescein angiographies. A statistical approach
A Simó, E de Ves
Pattern Recognition 34 (4), 795-809, 2001
Girls4STEM: Gender diversity in STEM for a sustainable future
X Benavent, E de Ves, A Forte, C Botella-Mascarell, E López-Iñesta, ...
Sustainability 12 (15), 6051, 2020
A novel Bayesian framework for relevance feedback in image content-based retrieval systems
E de Ves, J Domingo, G Ayala, P Zuccarello
Pattern Recognition 39 (9), 1622-1632, 2006
Multimedia information retrieval based on late semantic fusion approaches: Experiments on a wikipedia image collection
X Benavent, A Garcia-Serrano, R Granados, J Benavent, E de Ves
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 15 (8), 2009-2021, 2013
A statistical model for magnitudes and angles of wavelet frame coefficients and its application to texture retrieval
E de Ves, D Acevedo, A Ruedin, X Benavent
Pattern Recognition 47 (9), 2925-2939, 2014
A relevance feedback CBIR algorithm based on fuzzy sets
M Arevalillo-Herráez, M Zacarés, X Benavent, E de Ves
Signal Processing: Image Communication 23 (7), 490-504, 2008
Selecting the structuring element for morphological texture classification
E de Ves, X Benavent, G Ayala, J Domingo
Pattern Analysis and applications 9, 48-57, 2006
A novel dynamic multi-model relevance feedback procedure for content-based image retrieval
E de Ves, X Benavent, I Coma, G Ayala
Neurocomputing 208, 99-107, 2016
Experiences at ImageCLEF 2010 using CBIR and TBIR Mixing Information Approaches.
J Benavent, X Benavent, E de Ves, R Granados, A García-Serrano
CLEF (Notebook Papers/LABs/Workshops), 2010
A new wavelet-based texture descriptor for image retrieval
E de Ves, A Ruedin, D Acevedo, X Benavent, L Seijas
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 12th International Conference …, 2007
Irregular motion recovery in fluorescein angiograms
J Domingo, G Ayala, A Simó, E de Ves, L Martínez-Costa, P Marco
Pattern Recognition Letters 18 (8), 805-821, 1997
An active contour model for the automatic detection of the fovea in fluorescein angiographies
J Gutierrez, I Epifanio, E De Ves, FJ Ferri
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
Iniciativas contra la brecha de género en STEM. Una guía de buenas prácticas
C Botella, E López-Iñesta, S Rueda, A Forte, E De Ves, ...
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2020
Modeling user preferences in content-based image retrieval: A novel attempt to bridge the semantic gap
E de Ves, G Ayala, X Benavent, J Domingo, E Dura
Neurocomputing 168, 829-845, 2015
Macular edema computer-aided evaluation in ocular vein occlusions
L Martınez-Costa, P Marco, G Ayala, E De Ves, J Domingo, A Simó
Computers and biomedical research 31 (5), 374-384, 1998
Wavelet-based texture retrieval modeling the magnitudes of wavelet detail coefficients with a generalized Gamma distribution
E de Ves, X Benavent, A Ruedin, D Acevedo, L Seijas
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 221-224, 2010
Multimodal Information Approaches for the Wikipedia Collection at ImageCLEF 2011.
R Granados, J Benavent, X Benavent, E de Ves, A García-Serrano
CLEF (Notebook Papers/Labs/Workshop), 2011
Resuming shapes with applications
A Simó, E De Ves, G Ayala
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 20, 209-222, 2004
FCA-based knowledge representation and local generalized linear models to address relevance and diversity in diverse social images
X Benavent, A Castellanos, E de Ves, A Garcia-Serrano, J Cigarran
Future Generation Computer Systems 100, 250-265, 2019
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Articles 1–20