Steven R. Gomez
Cited by
Cited by
Beyond expertise and roles: A framework to characterize the stakeholders of interpretable machine learning and their needs
H Suresh, SR Gomez, KK Nam, A Satyanarayan
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
A case study using visualization interaction logs and insight metrics to understand how analysts arrive at insights
H Guo, SR Gomez, C Ziemkiewicz, DH Laidlaw
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (1), 51-60, 2015
Survey of cyber moving targets second edition
BC Ward, SR Gomez, R Skowyra, D Bigelow, J Martin, J Landry, ...
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Lexington United States, Tech. Rep, 2018
An Insight- and Task-based Methodology for Evaluating Spatiotemporal Visual Analytics
SR Gomez, H Guo, C Ziemkiewicz, DH Laidlaw
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and …, 2014
Modeling task performance for a crowd of users from interaction histories
S Gomez, D Laidlaw
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2012
Improving interpretability for cyber vulnerability assessment using focus and context visualizations
KB Alperin, AB Wollaber, SR Gomez
2020 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 30-39, 2020
Automated discovery of cross-plane event-based vulnerabilities in software-defined networking
BE Ujcich, S Jero, R Skowyra, SR Gomez, A Bates, WH Sanders, ...
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, 2020
Fauxvea: Crowdsourcing gaze location estimates for visualization analysis tasks
SR Gomez, R Jianu, R Cabeen, H Guo, DH Laidlaw
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 23 (2), 1042-1055, 2016
Different strokes for different folks: visual presentation design between disciplines
SR Gomez, R Jianu, C Ziemkiewicz, H Guo, D Laidlaw
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (12), 2411-2420, 2012
Controller-oblivious dynamic access control in software-defined networks
SR Gomez, S Jero, R Skowyra, J Martin, P Sullivan, D Bigelow, ...
2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2019
A fiducial-based tangible user interface for white matter tractography
SR Gomez, R Jianu, DH Laidlaw
Advances in Visual Computing: 6th International Symposium, ISVC 2010, Las …, 2010
Punyvis: A visual analytics approach for identifying homograph phishing attacks
B Fouss, DM Ross, AB Wollaber, SR Gomez
2019 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 1-10, 2019
Analysis within and between graphs: Observed user strategies in immunobiology visualization
C Ziemkiewicz, S Gomez, D Laidlaw
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2012
Quasar: Quantitative attack space analysis and reasoning
R Skowyra, SR Gomez, D Bigelow, J Landry, H Okhravi
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 68-78, 2017
Blues for Gary: Design abstractions for a jazz improvisation assistant
R Keller, M Hunt, S Jones, D Morrison, A Wolin, S Gomez
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 193, 47-60, 2007
Systems and methods for quantitative assessment of a computer defense technique
RW Skowyra, SR Gomez
US Patent 10,819,752, 2020
Considerations for human-machine teaming in cybersecurity
SR Gomez, V Mancuso, D Staheli
Augmented Cognition: 13th International Conference, AC 2019, Held as Part of …, 2019
Visualization to Facilitate Structured Exploration of Published Findings in Rat Brain Connectivity
H Guo, SR Gomez, MJ Schnitzer, DH Laidlaw
Proceedings of IEEE InfoVis (Posters), 2013
Interacting with live preview frames: in-picture cues for a digital camera interface
SR Gomez
Adjunct proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface …, 2010
Toward a visual interface for brain connectivity analysis
H Guo, A Yidi, SR Gomez, MJ Schnitzer, D Badre, DH Laidlaw
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1761-1766, 2013
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Articles 1–20