Sergio Bellomo
Sergio Bellomo
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Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting groundwater quality of an active volcano (Mt. Etna, Italy)
A Aiuppa, S Bellomo, L Brusca, W d'Alessandro, C Federico
Applied Geochemistry 18 (6), 863-882, 2003
Magma-derived gas influx and water-rock interactions in the volcanic aquifer of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy
C Federico, A Aiuppa, P Allard, S Bellomo, P Jean-Baptiste, F Parello, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (6), 963-981, 2002
Atmospheric sources and sinks of volcanogenic elements in a basaltic volcano (Etna, Italy)
S Calabrese, A Aiuppa, P Allard, E Bagnato, S Bellomo, L Brusca, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (23), 7401-7425, 2011
Environmental impact of magmatic fluorine emission in the Mt. Etna area
S Bellomo, A Aiuppa, W D’Alessandro, F Parello
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 165 (1-2), 87-101, 2007
Major-ion bulk deposition around an active volcano (Mt. Etna, Italy)
A Aiuppa, S Bellomo, L Brusca, W d'Alessandro, R Di Paola, M Longo
Bulletin of Volcanology 68, 255-265, 2006
Geochemical characteristics of soil radon and carbon dioxide within the Dead Sea Fault and Karasu Fault in the Amik Basin (Hatay), Turkey
G Yuce, CC Fu, W D'Alessandro, AH Gulbay, CW Lai, S Bellomo, TF Yang, ...
Chemical Geology 469, 129-146, 2017
A model for Ischia hydrothermal system: evidences from the chemistry of thermal groundwaters
R Di Napoli, A Aiuppa, S Bellomo, L Brusca, W D'Alessandro, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 186 (3-4), 133-159, 2009
Intense magmatic degassing through the lake of Copahue volcano, 2013–2014
G Tamburello, M Agusto, A Caselli, F Tassi, O Vaselli, S Calabrese, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (9), 6071-6084, 2015
Origin and interactions of fluids circulating over the Amik Basin (Hatay, Turkey) and relationships with the hydrologic, geologic and tectonic settings
G Yuce, F Italiano, W D'Alessandro, TH Yalcin, DU Yasin, AH Gulbay, ...
Chemical Geology 388, 23-39, 2014
The 2014 effusive eruption at Stromboli volcano (Italy): Inferences from soil CO2 flux and 3He/4He ratio in thermal waters
AL Rizzo, C Federico, S Inguaggiato, A Sollami, M Tantillo, F Vita, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (7), 2235-2243, 2015
Survey on fluoride, bromide and chloride contents in public drinking water supplies in Sicily (Italy)
W D’Alessandro, S Bellomo, F Parello, L Brusca, M Longo
Environmental monitoring and assessment 145, 303-313, 2008
Characterization of the Etna volcanic emissions through an active biomonitoring technique (moss-bags): Part 1–Major and trace element composition
S Calabrese, W D’alessandro, S Bellomo, L Brusca, RS Martin, F Saiano, ...
Chemosphere 119, 1447-1455, 2015
Geochemistry and mineralogy of travertine deposits of the SW flank of Mt. Etna (Italy): Relationships with past volcanic and degassing activity
W D'Alessandro, S Giammanco, S Bellomo, F Parello
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 165 (1-2), 64-70, 2007
Volcanic plume monitoring at Mount Etna by diffusive (passive) sampling
A Aiuppa, S Bellomo, W D'Alessandro, C Federico, M Ferm, M Valenza
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D21), 2004
Volcanogenic fluorine in rainwater around active degassing volcanoes: Mt. Etna and Stromboli Island, Italy
S Bellomo, W D'Alessandro, M Longo
Science of the total environment 301 (1-3), 175-185, 2003
Hydrothermal methane fluxes from the soil at Pantelleria island (Italy)
W D'Alessandro, S Bellomo, L Brusca, J Fiebig, M Longo, M Martelli, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 187 (3-4), 147-157, 2009
Fluorine adsorption by volcanic soils at Mt. Etna, Italy
W D’Alessandro, S Bellomo, F Parello
Applied geochemistry 27 (6), 1179-1188, 2012
Large compositional differences in the gases released from the Kizildag ophiolitic body (Turkey): Evidences of prevailingly abiogenic origin
W D'Alessandro, G Yüce, F Italiano, S Bellomo, AH Gülbay, DU Yasin, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 89, 174-184, 2018
Major and trace element geochemistry of El Chichón volcano-hydrothermal system (Chiapas, México) in 2006-2007: implications for future geochemical monitoring
D Rouwet, S Bellomo, L Brusca, S Inguaggiato, M Jutzeler, R Mora, ...
Geofísica internacional 48 (1), 55-72, 2009
A geochemical traverse along the “Sperchios Basin–Evoikos Gulf” graben (Central Greece): Origin and evolution of the emitted fluids
W D'Alessandro, L Brusca, K Kyriakopoulos, S Bellomo, S Calabrese
Marine and Petroleum Geology 55, 295-308, 2014
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Articles 1–20