Adrião Duarte Doria Neto
Adrião Duarte Doria Neto
Professor do Departamento de Engenharia de Computacao e Automacao da Universidade Federal do Rio
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Cited by
A fuzzy model for processing and monitoring vital signs in ICU patients
CRM Leite, GRA Sizilio, ADD Neto, RAM Valentim, AMG Guerreiro
Biomedical engineering online 10, 1-17, 2011
Building of constant life diagrams of fatigue using artificialneural networks
RCSF Júnior, ADD Neto, EMF de Aquino
International Journal of Fatigue 27 (7), 746-751, 2005
Reactive search strategies using reinforcement learning, local search algorithms and variable neighborhood search
JPQ dos Santos, JD de Melo, ADD Neto, D Aloise
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (10), 4939-4949, 2014
Synaptic homeostasis and restructuring across the sleep-wake cycle
W Blanco, CM Pereira, VR Cota, AC Souza, C Rennó-Costa, S Santos, ...
PLoS computational biology 11 (5), e1004241, 2015
Fuzzy method for pre-diagnosis of breast cancer from the Fine Needle Aspirate analysis
GRMA Sizilio, CRM Leite, AMG Guerreiro, ADD Neto
Biomedical engineering online 11, 1-21, 2012
Relating De Morgan triples with Atanassov’s intuitionistic De Morgan triples via automorphisms
CG da Costa, BC Bedregal, ADD Neto
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 52 (4), 473-487, 2011
An adaptive learning approach for 3-D surface reconstruction from point clouds
ADMB Junior, ADD Neto, JD de Melo, LMG Goncalves
IEEE transactions on Neural Networks 19 (6), 1130-1140, 2008
Logistic regression for parameter tuning on an evolutionary algorithm
ICO Ramos, MC Goldbarg, EG Goldbarg, ADD Neto
2005 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation 2, 1061-1068, 2005
Use of modular networks in the building of constant life diagrams
RCS Freire Jr, ADD Neto, EMF de Aquino
International Journal of Fatigue 29 (3), 389-396, 2007
An efficient approach to the travelling salesman problem using self-organizing maps
FC Vieira, ADD Neto, JAF Costa
International journal of neural systems 13 (02), 59-66, 2003
A multi-level approach using genetic algorithms in an ensemble of least squares support vector machines
CA de Araújo Padilha, DAC Barone, ADD Neto
Knowledge-Based Systems 106, 85-95, 2016
New developmental stages for common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) using mass and age variables obtained by K-means algorithm and self-organizing maps (SOM)
A de Castro Leão, ADD Neto, MBC de Sousa
Computers in biology and medicine 39 (10), 853-859, 2009
Fuzzy pay-off method for real options: The center of gravity approach with application in oilfield abandonment
REP Borges, MAG Dias, ADD Neto, A Meier
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 353, 111-123, 2018
Classification system of pathological voices using correntropy
AIR Fontes, PTV Souza, ADD Neto, AM Martins, LFQ Silveira
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 924786, 2014
Comparative study between ANN models and conventional equations in the analysis of fatigue failure of GFRP
RCSF Júnior, ADD Neto, EMF De Aquino
International journal of fatigue 31 (5), 831-839, 2009
Real time leak detection system applied to oil pipelines using sonic technology and neural networks
AM Avelino, JA de Paiva, REF da Silva, GJM de Araujo, FM de Azevedo, ...
2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 2109-2114, 2009
Digit recognition using wavelet and SVM in Brazilian Portuguese
A de Andrade Bresolin, ADD Neto, PJ Alsina
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
Creating an ensemble of diverse support vector machines using Adaboost
NHC Lima, ADD Neto, JD de Melo
2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1802-1806, 2009
An interval metric
RMP Trindade, BRC Bedregal, ADD Neto, BM Acioly
New advanced technologies, 2010
Surface reconstruction using neural networks and adaptive geometry meshes
AMB Junior, ADD Neto, JD de Melo
2004 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
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Articles 1–20