Pengfei Li
Pengfei Li
在 e.ntu.edu.sg 的电子邮件经过验证
Knowledge-oriented convolutional neural network for causal relation extraction from natural language texts
P Li, K Mao
Expert Systems with Applications 115, 512-523, 2019
Real-time identification of power fluctuations based on LSTM recurrent neural network: A case study on Singapore power system
S Wen, Y Wang, Y Tang, Y Xu, P Li, T Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (9), 5266-5275, 2019
Self-supervised vision-language pretraining for medial visual question answering
P Li, G Liu, L Tan, J Liao, S Zhong
2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1-5, 2023
Improving convolutional neural network for text classification by recursive data pruning
Q Li, P Li, K Mao, EYM Lo
Neurocomputing 414, 143-152, 2020
Act: an attentive convolutional transformer for efficient text classification
P Li, P Zhong, K Mao, D Wang, X Yang, Y Liu, J Yin, S See
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (15), 13261 …, 2021
Improving Relation Extraction with Knowledge-attention
P Li, K Mao, X Yang, Q Li
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2019
Care: Commonsense-aware emotional response generation with latent concepts
P Zhong, D Wang, P Li, C Zhang, H Wang, C Miao
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (16), 14577 …, 2021
Masked vision and language pre-training with unimodal and multimodal contrastive losses for medical visual question answering
P Li, G Liu, J He, Z Zhao, S Zhong
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2023
Proactive frequency control based on ultrashortterm power fluctuation forecasting for high renewables penetrated power systems
S Wen, Y Wang, Y Tang, Y Xu, P Li
IET Renewable Power Generation 13 (12), 2166-2173, 2019
Bag-of-Concepts representation for document classification based on automatic knowledge acquisition from probabilistic knowledge base
P Li, K Mao, Y Xu, Q Li, J Zhang
Knowledge-Based Systems 193, 105436, 2020
Detoxification of ammonium to Nannochloropsis oculata and enhancement of lipid production by mixotrophic growth with acetate
W Lin, P Li, Z Liao, J Luo
Bioresource technology 227, 404-407, 2017
Strategies for enhanced lipid production of Desmodesmus sp. mutated by atmospheric and room temperature plasma with a new efficient screening method
X Sun, P Li, X Liu, X Wang, Y Liu, A Turaib, Z Cheng
Journal of Cleaner Production 250, 119509, 2020
Industrial Internet of Things-enabled monitoring and maintenance mechanism for fully mechanized mining equipment
G Zhang, CH Chen, X Cao, RY Zhong, X Duan, P Li
Advanced Engineering Informatics 54, 101782, 2022
Nonlinear parity-time-symmetry breaking in optical waveguides with complex Gaussian-type potentials
PF Li, B Liu, L Li, D Mihalache
Rom. J. Phys 61 (3-4), 577-594, 2016
Ultra-short-term load demand forecast model framework based on deep learning
H Li, H Liu, H Ji, S Zhang, P Li
Energies 13 (18), 4900, 2020
Networked dual-mode adaptive horizon MPC for constrained nonlinear systems
P Li, Y Kang, YB Zhao, T Wang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (12), 7435-7449, 2020
Disturbance prediction-based adaptive event-triggered model predictive control for perturbed nonlinear systems
P Li, Y Kang, T Wang, YB Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (4), 2422-2429, 2022
Biochemical and genetic changes revealing the enhanced lipid accumulation in Desmodesmus sp. mutated by atmospheric and room temperature plasma
P Li, X Sun, Z Sun, F Huang, W Wei, X Liu, Y Liu, L Deng, Z Cheng
Renewable Energy 172, 368-381, 2021
A novel self-triggered MPC scheme for constrained input-affine nonlinear systems
P Li, Y Kang, YB Zhao, T Wang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 68 (1), 306-310, 2020
Deep feature representation based imitation learning for autonomous helicopter aerobatics
S Chen, Y Cao, Y Kang, P Li, B Sun
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 2 (5), 437-446, 2021
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