Phuoc Tran-Gia
Phuoc Tran-Gia
Chair of Communication Networks, University of Wuerzburg
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Cited by
A generic quantitative relationship between quality of experience and quality of service
M Fiedler, T Hossfeld, P Tran-Gia
Ieee Network 24 (2), 36-41, 2010
A survey on quality of experience of HTTP adaptive streaming
M Seufert, S Egger, M Slanina, T Zinner, T Hoßfeld, P Tran-Gia
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (1), 469-492, 2014
Heuristic approaches to the controller placement problem in large scale SDN networks
S Lange, S Gebert, T Zinner, P Tran-Gia, D Hock, M Jarschel, M Hoffmann
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 12 (1), 4-17, 2015
Quantification of YouTube QoE via crowdsourcing
T Hoßfeld, M Seufert, M Hirth, T Zinner, P Tran-Gia, R Schatz
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 494-499, 2011
Modeling and performance evaluation of an OpenFlow architecture
M Jarschel, S Oechsner, D Schlosser, R Pries, S Goll, P Tran-Gia
2011 23rd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), 1-7, 2011
Pareto-optimal resilient controller placement in SDN-based core networks
D Hock, M Hartmann, S Gebert, M Jarschel, T Zinner, P Tran-Gia
Proceedings of the 2013 25th international teletraffic congress (ITC), 1-9, 2013
Best practices for QoE crowdtesting: QoE assessment with crowdsourcing
T Hossfeld, C Keimel, M Hirth, B Gardlo, J Habigt, K Diepold, P Tran-Gia
IEEE transactions on multimedia 16 (2), 541-558, 2013
Interfaces, attributes, and use cases: A compass for SDN
M Jarschel, T Zinner, T Hoßfeld, P Tran-Gia, W Kellerer
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (6), 210-217, 2014
Modeling of customer retrial phenomenon in cellular mobile networks
P Tran-Gia, M Mandjes
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 15 (8), 1406-1414, 1997
Analyzing costs and accuracy of validation mechanisms for crowdsourcing platforms
M Hirth, T Hoßfeld, P Tran-Gia
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (11-12), 2918-2932, 2013
Anatomy of a crowdsourcing platform-using the example of microworkers. com
M Hirth, T Hoßfeld, P Tran-Gia
2011 Fifth international conference on innovative mobile and internet …, 2011
SDN-based application-aware networking on the example of YouTube video streaming
M Jarschel, F Wamser, T Hohn, T Zinner, P Tran-Gia
2013 Second European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, 87-92, 2013
Spatial traffic estimation and characterization for mobile communication network design
K Tutschku, P Tran-Gia
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 16 (5), 804-811, 1998
Big data
D Klein, P Tran-Gia, M Hartmann
Informatik-Spektrum 36, 319-323, 2013
YoMoApp: A tool for analyzing QoE of YouTube HTTP adaptive streaming in mobile networks
F Wamser, M Seufert, P Casas, R Irmer, P Tran-Gia, R Schatz
2015 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 239-243, 2015
Implementation and user-centric comparison of a novel adaptation logic for DASH with SVC
C Sieber, T Hoßfeld, T Zinner, P Tran-Gia, C Timmerer
2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2013
Design and experimental evaluation of network-assisted strategies for HTTP adaptive streaming
G Cofano, L De Cicco, T Zinner, A Nguyen-Ngoc, P Tran-Gia, S Mascolo
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on multimedia systems, 1-12, 2016
Predicting QoE in cellular networks using machine learning and in-smartphone measurements
P Casas, A D'Alconzo, F Wamser, M Seufert, B Gardlo, A Schwind, ...
2017 Ninth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2017
POCO-framework for Pareto-optimal resilient controller placement in SDN-based core networks
D Hock, S Gebert, M Hartmann, T Zinner, P Tran-Gia
2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 1-2, 2014
Group-based communication in WhatsApp
M Seufert, T Hoßfeld, A Schwind, V Burger, P Tran-Gia
2016 IFIP networking conference (IFIP networking) and workshops, 536-541, 2016
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Articles 1–20