Michael D Rosko
Michael D Rosko
Professor of Health Care Management, Widener University
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Do for-profit and not-for-profit nursing homes behave differently?
WE Aaronson, JS Zinn, MD Rosko
The Gerontologist 34 (6), 775-786, 1994
Cost efficiency of US hospitals: a stochastic frontier approach
MD Rosko
Health economics 10 (6), 539-551, 2001
Stochastic frontier analysis of hospital inefficiency: a review of empirical issues and an assessment of robustness
MD Rosko, RL Mutter
Medical care research and review 65 (2), 131-166, 2008
Hospital quality, efficiency, and input slack differentials
VG Valdmanis, MD Rosko, RL Mutter
Health services research 43 (5p2), 1830-1848, 2008
The effects of ownership, operating environment, and strategic choices on nursing home efficiency
MD Rosko, JA Chilingerian, JS Zinn, WE Aaronson
Medical Care 33 (10), 1001-1021, 1995
Variations in the outcomes of care provided in Pennsylvania nursing homes: Facility and environmental correlates
JS Zinn, WE Aaronson, MD Rosko
Medical care 31 (6), 475-487, 1993
Community orientation in hospitals: an institutional and resource dependence perspective.
EJ Proenca, MD Rosko, JS Zinn
Health services research 35 (5 Pt 1), 1011, 2000
Impact of internal and external environmental pressures on hospital inefficiency
MD Rosko
Health Care Management Science 2, 63-74, 1999
A critical analysis of on-scene helicopter transport on survival in a statewide trauma system
CEM Brathwaite, M Rosko, R McDowell, J Gallagher, J Proenca, MA Spott
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 45 (1), 140-146, 1998
Analysis of uncompensated hospital care using a DEA model of output congestion
GD Ferrier, MD Rosko, VG Valdmanis
Health care Management science 9, 181-188, 2006
Performance of US teaching hospitals: a panel analysis of cost inefficiency
MD Rosko
Health care management science 7, 7-16, 2004
The economics of health care: a reference handbook
MD Rosko, RW Broyles
Organizational and environmental factors in hospital alliance membership and contract management: A resource-dependence perspective
JS Zinn, J Proenca, MD Rosko
Journal of Healthcare Management 42 (1), 67-86, 1997
Estimating hospital inefficiency: does case mix matter?
MD Rosko, JA Chilingerian
Journal of Medical Systems 23, 57-71, 1999
Measuring technical efficiency in health care organizations
MD Rosko
Journal of Medical Systems 14, 307-322, 1990
East–west: does it make a difference to hospital efficiencies in Ukraine?
AI Pilyavsky, WE Aaronson, PM Bernet, MD Rosko, VG Valdmanis, ...
Health Economics 15 (11), 1173-1186, 2006
What have we learned from the application of stochastic frontier analysis to US hospitals?
MD Rosko, RL Mutter
Medical Care Research and Review 68 (1_suppl), 75S-100S, 2011
Investigating the impact of endogeneity on inefficiency estimates in the application of stochastic frontier analysis to nursing homes
RL Mutter, WH Greene, W Spector, MD Rosko, DB Mukamel
Journal of Productivity Analysis 39, 101-110, 2013
Short-term responses of hospitals to the DRG prospective pricing mechanism in New Jersey
MD Rosko, RW Broyles
Medical Care 25 (2), 88-99, 1987
Inefficiency differences between critical access hospitals and prospectively paid rural hospitals
MD Rosko, RL Mutter
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 35 (1), 95-126, 2010
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Articles 1–20