Roberto Cusani
Roberto Cusani
Professore di Telecomunicazioni,Universitą di Roma La Sapienza
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Smart vehicles, technologies and main applications in vehicular ad hoc networks
AM Vegni, M Biagi, R Cusani
Vehicular technologies-deployment and applications, 3-20, 2013
A location-based vertical handover algorithm for limitation of the ping-pong effect
T Inzerilli, AM Vegni, A Neri, R Cusani
2008 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2008
Text independent automatic speaker recognition system using mel-frequency cepstrum coefficient and gaussian mixture models
A Maesa, F Garzia, M Scarpiniti, R Cusani
Journal of Information Security 3 (04), 335, 2012
Methods for estimating the autocorrelation function of complex Gaussian stationary processes
G Jacovitti, A Neri, R Cusani
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 35 (8), 1126-1138, 1987
Merging color shift keying and complementary pulse position modulation for visible light illumination and communication
S Pergoloni, M Biagi, S Rinauro, S Colonnese, R Cusani, G Scarano
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (1), 192-200, 2015
Combined channel estimation and data detection using soft statistics for frequency-selective fast-fading digital links
E Baccarelli, R Cusani
IEEE Transactions on Communications 46 (4), 424-427, 1998
A novel adaptive receiver with enhanced channel tracking capability for TDMA-based mobile radio communications
E Baccarelli, R Cusani, S Galli
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 16 (9), 1630-1639, 1998
The integrated security system of the Vatican City State
F Garzia, E Sammarco, R Cusani
International journal of safety and security engineering 1 (1), 1-17, 2011
A recursive multistage structure for multicast ATM switching
R Cusani, F Sestini
IEEE INFCOM'91-Communications Societies Proceedings, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292 …, 1991
A novel MAC and scheduling strategy to guarantee QoS for-the new-generation WIND-FLEX wireless LAN
R Cusani, FD Priscoli, G Ferrari, M Torregiani
IEEE wireless communications 9 (3), 46, 2002
Recursive Kalman-type optimal estimation and detection of hidden Markov chains
E Baccarelli, R Cusani
Signal Processing 51 (1), 55-64, 1996
Adaptive split-and-merge for image analysis and coding
R Leonardi, M Kunt
Image Coding 594, 2-9, 1986
A space-time RLS algorithm for adaptive equalization: The camera communication case
S Pergoloni, M Biagi, S Colonnese, R Cusani, G Scarano
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (10), 1811-1820, 2017
Optimized LEDs footprinting for indoor visible light communication networks
S Pergoloni, M Biagi, S Colonnese, R Cusani, G Scarano
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28 (4), 532-535, 2015
Soft multi-criteria decision algorithm for vertical handover in heterogeneous networks
G Tamea, M Biagi, R Cusani
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (11), 1215-1217, 2011
A combined vertical handover decision metric for QoS enhancement in next generation networks
AM Vegni, G Tamea, T Inzerilli, R Cusani
2009 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2009
The integrated security system of the Senate of the Italian Republic
G Contardi, F Garzia, R Cusani
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment 117, 103-115, 2011
Recursive filtering and smoothing for reciprocal Gaussian processes with Dirichlet boundary conditions
E Baccarelli, R Cusani
IEEE transactions on signal processing 46 (3), 790-795, 1998
Convergence analysis of the CMA blind equalizer
R Cusani, A Laurenti
IEEE transactions on communications 43 (2/3/4), 1304-1307, 1995
An efficient multilevel coherent optical system: M-4Q-QAM
R Cusani, E Iannone, AM Salonico, M Todaro
Journal of Lightwave Technology 10 (6), 777-786, 1992
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Articles 1–20