Mingjie Feng
Mingjie Feng
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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Cited by
Base Station ON-OFF Switching in 5G Wireless Networks: Approaches and Challenges
M Feng, S Mao, T Jiang
IEEE Wireless Communications 24 (4), 46-54, 2017
Dealing with limited backhaul capacity in millimeter wave systems: A deep reinforcement learning approach
M Feng, S Mao
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (3), 50-55, 2019
Joint task partitioning and user association for latency minimization in mobile edge computing networks
M Feng, M Krunz, W Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (8), 8108-8121, 2021
BOOST: Base station on-off switching strategy for energy efficient massive MIMO HetNets
M Feng, S Mao, T Jiang
IEEE INFOCOM 2016-The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2016
Joint duplex mode selection, channel allocation, and power control for full-duplex cognitive femtocell networks
M Feng, S Mao, T Jiang
Digital Communications and Networks 1 (1), 30-44, 2015
MAMBA: A multi-armed bandit framework for beam tracking in millimeter-wave systems
I Aykin, B Akgun, M Feng, M Krunz
IEEE INFOCOM 2020-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1469-1478, 2020
Cooperative small cell networks: High capacity for hotspots with interference mitigation
M Feng, T Jiang, D Chen, S Mao
IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (6), 108-116, 2014
Joint Frame Design, Resource Allocation and User Association for Massive MIMO Heterogeneous Networks with Wireless Backhaul
M Feng, S Mao, T Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (3), 1937-1950, 2018
BOOST: Base Station on-off Switching Strategy for Green Massive MIMO HetNets
M Feng, S Mao, T Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (11), 7319-7332, 2017
Signal detection and classification in shared spectrum: A deep learning approach
W Zhang, M Feng, M Krunz, AHY Abyaneh
IEEE INFOCOM 2021-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-10, 2021
Harvest the potential of massive MIMO with multi-layer techniques
M Feng, S Mao
IEEE Network 30 (5), 40-45, 2016
Backscatter communication meets practical battery-free Internet of Things: A survey and outlook
T Jiang, Y Zhang, W Ma, M Peng, Y Peng, M Feng, G Liu
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 25 (3), 2021-2051, 2023
Duplex mode selection and channel allocation for full-duplex cognitive femtocell networks
M Feng, S Mao, T Jiang
2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1900-1905, 2015
Enhancing the performance of future wireless networks with software-defined networking
M Feng, S Mao, T Jiang
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 17 (7), 606-619, 2016
Toward reliable non-line-of-sight localization using multipath reflections
X Zhang, L Chen, M Feng, T Jiang
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2022
License assisted access-WiFi coexistence with TXOP backoff for LTE in unlicensed band
S Saadat, D Chen, K Luo, M Feng, T Jiang
China Communications 14 (3), 1-14, 2017
Latency prediction for delay-sensitive v2x applications in mobile cloud/edge computing systems
W Zhang, M Feng, M Krunz, H Volos
GLOBECOM 2020-2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2020
Interference management and user association for nested array-based massive MIMO HetNets
M Feng, S Mao
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 47 (1), 454-466, 2018
Dynamic Base Station Sleep Control and RF Chain Activation for Energy Efficient Millimeter Wave Cellular Systems
M Feng, S Mao, T Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (10), 9911-9921, 2018
Throughput improvement for OFDMA femtocell networks through spectrum allocation and access control strategy
M Feng, D Chen, Z Wang, T Jiang, D Qu
2012 Computing, Communications and Applications Conference, 387-391, 2012
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Articles 1–20