Ashok Srinivasan
Ashok Srinivasan
Florida State University, University of California at Santa Barbara, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Indian Ins
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Cited by
Conservation of the sequence and temporal expression of let-7 heterochronic regulatory RNA
AE Pasquinelli, BJ Reinhart, F Slack, MQ Martindale, MI Kuroda, B Maller, ...
Nature 408 (6808), 86-89, 2000
Algorithm 806: SPRNG: A scalable library for pseudorandom number generation
M Mascagni, A Srinivasan
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 26 (3), 436-461, 2000
Testing parallel random number generators
A Srinivasan, M Mascagni, D Ceperley
Parallel Computing 29 (1), 69-94, 2003
Parameterizing parallel multiplicative lagged-Fibonacci generators
M Mascagni, A Srinivasan
Parallel Computing 30 (7), 899-916, 2004
Evidence for a supercooled plastic-crystal phase in solid ethanol
A Srinivasan, FJ Bermejo, A De Andres, J Dawidowski, J Zúñiga, A Criado
Physical Review B 53 (13), 8172, 1996
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics techniques for the solution of kinetic theory problems Part 1: Method
CV Chaubal, A Srinivasan, Ö Eğecioğlu, LG Leal
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 70 (1-2), 125-154, 1997
Random number generators for parallel applications
A Srinivasan, DM Ceperley, M Mascagni
Advances in chemical physics 105, 13-36, 1999
Self-propelled pedestrian dynamics model: Application to passenger movement and infection propagation in airplanes
S Namilae, A Srinivasan, A Mubayi, M Scotch, R Pahle
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 465, 248-260, 2017
Parallel and distributed computing issues in pricing financial derivatives through quasi Monte Carlo
A Srinivasan
Proceedings 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2002
Quantum monte carlo algorithms for electronic structure at the petascale; the endstation project
KP Esler, J Kim, DM Ceperley, W Purwanto, EJ Walter, H Krakauer, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 125 (1), 012057, 2008
Multiscale model for pedestrian and infection dynamics during air travel
S Namilae, P Derjany, A Mubayi, M Scotch, A Srinivasan
Physical review E 95 (5), 052320, 2017
Processor affinity and MPI performance on SMP-CMP clusters
C Zhang, X Yuan, A Srinivasan
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2010
Ca2+ channel-independent requirement for MAGUK family CACNB4 genes in initiation of zebrafish epiboly
AM Ebert, CA McAnelly, A Srinivasan, JL Linker, WA Horne, DM Garrity
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (1), 198-203, 2008
Multiscale model for the optimal design of pedestrian queues to mitigate infectious disease spread
P Derjany, S Namilae, D Liu, A Srinivasan
PLoS one 15 (7), e0235891, 2020
Parallel quasi-Monte Carlo methods on a heterogeneous cluster
G Ökten, A Srinivasan
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2000: Proceedings of a Conference …, 2002
Using a tunable quantum wire to measure the large out-of-plane spin splitting of quasi two-dimensional holes in a GaAs nanostructure
A Srinivasan, LA Yeoh, O Klochan, TP Martin, JCH Chen, AP Micolich, ...
Nano letters 13 (1), 148-152, 2013
Optimization of collective communication in intra-Cell MPI
MK Velamati, A Kumar, N Jayam, G Senthilkumar, PK Baruah, R Sharma, ...
High Performance Computing–HiPC 2007: 14th International Conference, Goa …, 2007
From bad to worse: airline boarding changes in response to COVID-19
T Islam, MS Lahijani, A Srinivasan, S Namilae, A Mubayi, M Scotch
Royal Society open science 8 (4), 201019, 2021
Thickness-dependent electronic structure in thin films
FX Xiang, A Srinivasan, ZZ Du, O Klochan, SX Dou, AR Hamilton, ...
Physical Review B 98 (3), 035115, 2018
Piezoelectric rotator for studying quantum effects in semiconductor nanostructures at high magnetic fields and low temperatures
LA Yeoh, A Srinivasan, TP Martin, O Klochan, AP Micolich, AR Hamilton
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (11), 2010
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Articles 1–20