Julian Ng
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Cited by
Rac function and regulation during Drosophila development
S Hakeda-Suzuki, J Ng, J Tzu, G Dietzl, Y Sun, M Harms, T Nardine, ...
Nature 416 (6879), 438-442, 2002
Rac GTPases control axon growth, guidance and branching
J Ng, T Nardine, M Harms, J Tzu, A Goldstein, Y Sun, G Dietzl, BJ Dickson, ...
Nature 416 (6879), 442-447, 2002
Rho GTPases regulate axon growth through convergent and divergent signaling pathways
J Ng, L Luo
Neuron 44 (5), 779-793, 2004
Interleukin‐2 activation of STAT5 requires the convergent action of tyrosine kinases and a serine/threonine kinase pathway distinct from the Raf1/ERK2 MAP kinase pathway.
C Beadling, J Ng, JW Babbage, DA Cantrell
The EMBO journal 15 (8), 1902-1913, 1996
STAT3 is a serine kinase target in T lymphocytes
J Ng, D Cantrell
Journal of Biological Chemistry 272 (39), 24542-24549, 1997
Rac promotes epithelial cell rearrangement during tracheal tubulogenesis in Drosophila
T Chihara, K Kato, M Taniguchi, J Ng, S Hayashi
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 130 (7), 1419-1428, 2003
Ultrafast tissue staining with chemical tags
J Kohl, J Ng, S Cachero, E Ciabatti, MJ Dolan, B Sutcliffe, A Tozer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (36), E3805-E3814, 2014
Wnt/PCP proteins regulate stereotyped axon branch extension in Drosophila
J Ng
Development 139 (1), 165-177, 2012
TGFβ signals regulate axonal development through distinct Smad-independent mechanisms
J Ng
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 135 (24), 4025 …, 2008
Signal strength and signal duration define two distinct aspects of JNK-regulated axon stability
A Rallis, C Moore, J Ng
Developmental biology 339 (1), 65-77, 2010
Second-Generation Drosophila Chemical Tags: Sensitivity, Versatility, and Speed
B Sutcliffe, J Ng, TO Auer, M Pasche, R Benton, GSXE Jefferis, S Cachero
Genetics 205 (4), 1399-1408, 2017
Genetically targeted 3D visualisation of Drosophila neurons under Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microscopy using miniSOG
J Ng, A Browning, L Lechner, M Terada, G Howard, GSXE Jefferis
Scientific reports 6 (1), 38863, 2016
Molecular chaperones protect against JNK- and Nmnat-regulated axon degeneration in Drosophila
A Rallis, B Lu, J Ng
Journal of cell science 126 (3), 838-849, 2013
Optimization of fluorophores for chemical tagging and immunohistochemistry of Drosophila neurons
GW Meissner, JB Grimm, RM Johnston, B Sutcliffe, J Ng, GSXE Jefferis, ...
PLoS One 13 (8), e0200759, 2018
Topological dynamics of an intrinsically disordered N‐terminal domain of the human androgen receptor
V Sheikhhassani, B Scalvini, J Ng, LWHJ Heling, Y Ayache, TMJ Evers, ...
Protein Science 31 (6), e4334, 2022
Polyglutamine expansion induced dynamic misfolding of Androgen Receptor
LWHJ Heling, V Sheikhhassani, J Ng, M van Vliet, A Jimenez, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.12. 19.629423, 2024
DPX Mounting of Drosophila CNS
GW Meissner, JB Grimm, RM Johnston, B Sutcliffe, J Ng, GSXE Jefferis, ...
MCFO IHC of Drosophila CNS
GW Meissner, JB Grimm, RM Johnston, B Sutcliffe, J Ng, GSXE Jefferis, ...
Polarity Hybrid Chemical Tag & IHC for Adult CNS
GW Meissner, JB Grimm, RM Johnston, B Sutcliffe, J Ng, GSXE Jefferis, ...
Polarity IHC of Drosophila CNS
GW Meissner, JB Grimm, RM Johnston, B Sutcliffe, J Ng, GSXE Jefferis, ...
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Articles 1–20